snowy update

Jan 10, 2008 17:33

Hey everybody!

Things are slowing down this days. The holidays are over and it's really cold outside, so we don't have as many people as a week ago. That's a bad thing because I don't have to work every day and I make less money, but I'm finally able to breath again and do other stuff, like taking snowboarding classes!! I got my ass kicked the other day, but it was fun, and of course I'm trying it again, until I'm able to stop without throwing myself at the snow, on my ass, at least. Then I'm taking skiing. In Chile it's too expensive for me to do this, here is rather cheap and I see snow every day, how could I not do it? When I get hang of it I'm taking pictures, so you all can see me crash, how does that sound, eh?

I also started working the register. It's not as complicated as I thought, though I don't think I woulda been capable of working it when we where working at full speed. I'm good at math, but I don't trust myself with money, it's too much of a responsibility. This is going to my curriculum, of course.

Mariana took my classes for me the other day. She didn't had a problem, thank Aslan. I have like three days off in a row (saturday, sunday and monday), maybe I can go look for a job on those days. School is gonna be tough this semester, but I have to keep learning to take care of myself without bothering my parents so much.

I did mention before that the library was my favorite place. Still is. I rented My Own Private Idaho the other day, because, duh, I'm IN Idaho! It is a weird movie, I have to say. I also found the '80 TV show of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, witch I still haven't watch. I've rented a lot of books too. I already read Treasure Box by Orson Scott Card, that is always fun to read, The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams, amusing even after death, and I'm reading a new children's book collection called Everworld, by the same author of Animorphs, this time with every mythology god out there in a parallel universe. A little gruesome so far for a children's book, but hey, I'm not a child, right?

Have to go now. I still miss you all. I did send a card to Liz on her birthday, and also a lot of postcards for you all, so keep a lookout, and let me know when you get them, so I know how much time it takes to go from here to there and all.

Ale! I wrote an answer to your comment in my last post, read it!

travels, movies, usa, life, books

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