I know, I know. I'm suppose to be helping out my mum on a transcript from an interview. But I get distracted easily!
I already watched like three WHOLE episodes of Ghostwriter, and that's, like... nine or twelve normal episodes!
I haven't been able to find not one single fic. Witch depress me to no end cus this show had SO much potential! Specially for Alex, Tina and Rob, my three favorite characters!
Speaking of them... I did find another vid, this one about Rob, and it's really good!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9G1tvXlm_g My brother was fascinated with Rob back then. It kinda makes sense cus they are a lot alike. I liked him a lot too and I was a little pissed when he left the show. I'm sure if the fandom was bigger he and Alex would be the fans' favorites. Even for slashiness!
I found out there's a lot of books based on the show... witch isn't a surprise, really, considering the show IS about writing. Sadly, they're hard to get. The day I decide to visit the States I'm gonna spend all my money in a children bookstore, I'm sure of that.