on the day in question... several days

Apr 14, 2007 14:54

It's been a week since my birthday and I have not post anything about it. That's just wrong, because I had one of the best birthdays ever! It was three days long! The only thing I regret is not making enough time to spend on MSN to talk with my "virtual" friends.

I slept very little, I drank and ate like a pig, I watched FOUR movies with friends, I got to flirt with a cute guy (that now is annoying me by calling me every fucking day!) and I got to crash in my own bed! (I was sleeping on the couch 'cus my grandma took over my bedroom).

I went out on thursday with a classmate, her boyfriend and the cute guy (his friend). We went to a heavy metal pub in Plaza Brasil and I had a blast. The cute guy was really nine and we kinda clicked. An awful thing considering I had a busy week afterward and he-does-not-stop-calling!

On friday night Berni, Eduardo, Vesna and Cesar came to visit me and stayed 'til SIX AM. We talked about a lot of crap, just like always, It was a lot of fun.

On saturday I got enough text messages, phone calls, mails and LJ signs to make my day. I also had my family lunch (Chinese!). And then Nataly and Alejandra came to see me and we watched movies 'til we fell sleep.

On sunday Ale had to go, but Nataly went with my to watch the Ninja Turtles movie. Witch was AWESOME!! But that's something to talk about in another post.

All in all, a great weekend and a great birthday.

friends, movies, birthdays

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