Life is full of pickles

May 02, 2010 00:42

My b-month is finally over, and I'm happy to say I had a good time all over it ^o^

But now I'm a grown up, and that kinda freaks me out. No shit, really, I bought beauty products the other day, I'm taking care of my skin! It's like, the first time ever for me! So many years avoiding doing the girly stuff...

And work has me pretty busy as well, and I'm enjoying it so much... so much that I'm forgetting to do the university stuff I need to be dealing with right now! Bad thing. A dear friend of mine finally delivered her thesis and gave her defense on it and she then went from university student to unemployed professional. I want that to happen to me too! XD

I've been downloading stuff like crazy as well. Last weekend I watched Long Vacation from start to finish pretty damn quickly, it was a lot of fun! I've also been watching Oh! My Lady (what's up with Koreans and their tendency to choose crappy names for their dramas??), which has been fun but nothing extraordinary. I also watched Suekko Chounan Ane Sannin during the week because I wanted to watch something Okada-related after finding out the SP movie it's actually TWO MOVIES!! (THANK YOU B-MONTH!!), plus I like Fukatsu Eri and Koyuki so it was good, light fun!

I've also realized, once again, that I have a hard time trying to explain myself and my tastes to people. I want to say it's not because I think I'm special and I can't be defined by the usual standard, I just don't know what my standard IS. A friend of mine introduced another friend to the world of Asian dramas with a drama I rec to her, Pride. My friend didn't really like Pride because it was to "dramatic" for her, she likes the fun-loving, bright characters instead. But her friend went crazy over it and wanted to see more of it. And so, I rec them both different dramas. It was pretty easy, because what they like is pretty common to find if you know dramas, and I like to think I do, so no problem. But then they want to give me something back, rec ME something to watch, and it's kinda complicated because what they like I don't necessarily enjoy, but they don't watch any other kind, like I do.

Then there's this friend that made a fantastic list with the group of people she finds the most beautiful. Most of the people in her list I find beautiful too, but I begin to wonder if I would have put them on MY list as well. And I started to question why I find some people attractive and if it can be called "physical attraction" when, being honest, I like them more because of their accents, their opinions and the roles they have played than anything physical about them! I do get turn on by watching beautiful people in magazines or walking by me in the streets, but they just don't hold my interest long enough for me to consider them in any list.

I do have a thing for Kuroki Meisa, though. I don't care for her or her acting or singing careers like I care for other actors and/or singers, but damn, she's pretty to look at. She and Emilie de Ravin are the only ones, I think, that make me feel this way, though I did fell for Emilie because I liked her in Roswell and then in LOST, so it's not quite the same... Still, you could say I like the "skinny" type... except in real life that's not it at all! I've never liked skinny people in my life! Not that I couldn't, maybe, but so far I've liked my people with some meat in them!

Oh, hell I don't know. I have more grown up things to think about! Like living on my own. Most of my friends and coworkers are moving places right now, so the theme keeps popping up. My parents want to buy an apartment and rent it to earn some extra money, but now that I may actually finish with school next year (hopefully!) they tell me they could rent it to me. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

work, dramas, life

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