Old cartoon Don: Huh. that should've worked.
New cartoon Don: Should've worked? That would never work! That's not a trans-dimensional portal stick. That's... a flashlight!
Old cartoon Don: It WAS a flashlight, but with a little rewiring and a lot more POSITIVE THINKING it will soon be a trans-dimensional portal stick! *points* Now hand me that hammer.
New cartoon Don: *takes* THIS is a WRENCH.
Old cartoon Don: Details! Science isn't all about facts, you know?
In the Old cartoon dimension...
Old cartoon Leo: I say we head to our lair, pick up our anti-techno drone wear and go put it to good use!... But first, we have to save April!
old cartoon April: AAAAAAAHHH!! *gets attacked by mutants*
Old cartoon Don: We save April at least once a day. You can set your watch to it!
*Fighting starts*
New cartoon Raph: What's that a mutant... banana?
New cartoon Mike: This dimension is seriously messed up.
In the Original comic book dimension...
Original Leo: I strike two on my way down. Donatello takes out a third with his staff. Already the pulshy ones are starting to panic. Raph loves this stuff. He's not alone.
New cartoon Don: Why is he narrating? Is he crazy?
New cartoon Mike: Hardcore crazy!
New cartoon Raph: I LOVE these guys!
I re-watched the Turtles Forever 25 years anniversary movie from last year and I remembered that I didn't talk about it when it came out. It was fantastic! And so much fun! The new cartoon turtles of 2003 getting completely annoyed with the old '80s version of them because they cant take anything serious except when it comes to pizza! And then the 2003 version of Raphael becomes a fanboy of the original hardcore black and white comic book turtles that are batshit crazy! I love my turtles that have been with me almost my whole life, always bringing me new stuff to enjoy and having a fandom I can never get bored with :D
See... its april already, and you know what that means, right? Its my B-MONTH!! And my b-month means I get annoyingly happy and self-centered, just so you know XD
The week before I went for a few days with my mom to Buenos Aires. It wasn't as fun as we wanted it to, because we didn't planned it right, but it was a great present nonetheless. And now today my dad finally bought me a laptop! And its beautiful! And it has everything I could ever ask in a computer. OK, so it isn't green, sadly (my favorite color), but it's a nice shade of pale pink. And it needs a name. Suggestions?
I finished watching the jdrama Untouchable a few days ago. I ended up pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect a decent story out of it. And yes, predictable, but it did made me question myself a couple of times, so I give it that! I respect a crime story that knows the proper use of miss-direction! Even if it is the most basic form of it. It has Nakama Yukie leading, but it was Sato Tomohito who got my attention. I kinda liked him in Voice, but here he got to shine a lot more, I hope to see more of him in the future.
I have a stupid cold. Its very annoying. And I have a height exam on tuesday. No, it's not about how tall I am, it's about if I can take being in high altitude places. Ive been up to 4500 meters above sea level and nothing has happen to me, but my work place needs the papers that tells them so to make sure. The problem is, having cold will probably not make it easy to "pass" the exam, so if I don't get better before tuesday, I'll have to cancel and do it later, which of course, will be a pain in the ass to do.
The other day I finally watched the complete version of the Super Junior Japan concert from last year. And it made me fall in love with this song all over again!
Click to view
I've love this song from the first time I heard it. Not a big surprised, considering my favorite thing about suju (aside from all the crack, of course) is KRY, and KRY live is even better (they should never be allow to sing any other way!), and KRY + Eunhyuk rapping? Like eating a donut! (which I'm doing right about now, so I know it's the same awesome feeling ^o^). I understand (somewhat) not being a Korean pop fan, or a suju fan, but really, all my friends should be KRY fans. They kind of ROCK.
And now, I'm gone to deal with my stupid cold that's giving me a headache and watch some more dramas from the comfort of my bed. I wonder if Iris is finally done to finish downloading with the subs? I'm in the mood for more crime stories!