"Yeah. Right. Sure. So what else is new?"

Aug 24, 2009 23:36

Lots of stuff going on and nothing at all at the same time.

First of all, before I forget, I finally have facebook! I'm not the kind to have 200 friends just to get a big number, but it would be fun to connect there with some of the people I know here, if any of you wants that. I don't really know who has facebook and what name you're using, but you can find me here.

The hole in my ceiling is still there, but it's not longer raining. Yay! I wanna celebrate spring! (can you tell I'm a non-allergies kinda person?)

My pc is still wonky, but there's nothing I can do about it for now. I don't know how to reboot it myself. I'll have to wait and see. Sigh.

I have a week off from school because I was smart enough to take a class a semester before I had to and now most of my classmates have a field trip and I don't, so yeah, no classes! I do have a field trip to Chiloe next week, so I guess I can prepare better the stuff I have to do there. The rest of my time will probably use to upload pictures to facebook, try and contact friends to hang out (although I doubt I'll have any luck, that I have the week off doesn't mean they do!), and reading Speaker for the Dead, that I finally picked up to read this morning.

Speaking of sci fi, I'm looking forward to watch, well, Flash Forward! And yes, I was interested in watching this *before* I knew Dom was gonna be in it, ok? I just got lucky! And considering LOST if finally coming to an end, I need a new WTF show to get obsess about. I love Japanese Dramas, don't get me wrong, but they don't do very well with seriously fucked up plot twists. Which is a shame, because with their story structure those kinda stories could be told a lot better than in several seasons that tend to screw them up.

I watched V6's Guilty this morning. LIKED IT. It's nothing that will blow me away, the budget is low, as with most of their PVs, but it was a great use of (lack of) color. And the songs is nice. This reminds me I have a meme to reply to, but that's something to do during this lazy week...

Massu is the next SCP guest. FINALLY. Not that I expect to get a great conversation out of this. Taichi is not that good to talk Massu into making sense! But with any luck he'll show a little more than what's expected. Now we only need Ryo and Jin and the whole lot is complete. Either Taichi start inviting them again, or he start inviting the HSJ babies... or johnnys grandpas XD

I've been in a comic book kick since I came back from Mexico. Considering I realized I had not read a comic book since I last rebooted my pc a year and a half ago, and before I barely had any pc or internet access do to my stay in the States, I had a lot of catching up to do. Like I mentioned before, I got up to date with the Ultimate Universe, where thing ended... badly. I'm just happy Bobby didn't die. I don't like him as much in that universe, but he IS my favorite X-Man, I didn't want his body alongside *everyone else's*!

As for the 616 universe, well, I was happy to find out there has been more Young Avengers stuff going on, if only in short stories. I'm still waiting for the inevitable story of Wanda finding out she has her sons back (or at least any other family member! *Magneto*!), and Billy turning somehow evil or at least a little bit twisted. Come on, he's the only one (alongside Tommy) to be capable of going that way, and while the YA does have one member of them turn evil, Nate doesn't really count because he WAS already evil! And hey, I love Billy, he's my favorite, and I love he has a non-drama relationship with Teddy, but how many times is Teddy gonna be kidnapped before Billy goes to the deep end trying to save him? It has to happen someday!!

I just found out there's a manga version of the X-Men. On one side, I'm happy it wasn't like the time I found out there was an anime of the TMNT (that was BIZARRE), and the guys do look awfully pretty with the bishounen complexion, the shoujo manga cliché is a little overwhelming... Plus, making Bobby the cool, distant "Aya" character SO doesn't work with his real clown personality!! Though this change will probably make him score more than he does in "real life"... I know you'll want to check this out, Nataly, so here it is the link.

Going back to Japan. I just watched the promo of Ryo and Pi going to the countryside or something, talking to old people and eating fresh food. Yamapi could have a show where the only thing he has to do is talk to old people and eat their food. It would be awesome! The old people would bring the witty and the stories, and we could se Pi smiling all the time, perfect combi! Plus, after watching the Buzzer Beat preview a few weeks back, I was completely reassure to the fact that Pi is a pretty damn good interviewer, to my honest surprise, he did incredibly well with the basketball player, making him comfortable, showing interest, no silence moments, looking him in the eye, it was pretty amazing. I want to see that again! And hey, TegoMass have been working in their MC skills, so yeah, hopefully they'll get their tv show somehow during this century =P

Hey, I've written a lot today. Now I'm sleepy. And hungry.


I need an Iceman icon.

x-men, massu, yamapi, life

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