Finish my translation without more trouble, thankfully. I still don't know what exactly is a "Mining Rodeo", but all the religious terms were correctly translated, I think. Yay!
I also had the final test of geology. I had a similar one last semester and I did like crap. I hate this tests. Oral tests in general, but oral test about a subject I don't particularly like? worse. I didn't do too bad, considering I barely study at all, I got just what I needed to finish the class with a good grade. I will no longer have classes with this professor, thank you!! And no more on this subject on this semester, now I only have another four classes to take care of.
Which reminds me, there's a project report I need to finish today and I haven't work on it in way too long!
Also, I told myself not to do this yesterday, but I want to do it anyway so I'm just gonna say, Lupe, don't read this if you're busy! I know you're gonna LOVE it, but you need to finish with your studies first!
What Has Always Been There by
nihongofrancaisI read this yesterday morning before my test. I shouldn't have, I know that, but this fics was just THAT awesome. And it's KoyamaPi! So unusual.
And this reminds me that I never did rec another fic, one of the first I ever read in this fandom, and made me fall in love with Pin *before* reading all the crack that this pairing has to offer!
Marquee by
acchikocchiFANTASTIC fic about what could happen if Pi and Jin ever form a unit together.
Both fics have an excellent grasp of showing us the backstage of WORK for this people. How they go from recording to filming location to school to rehearsals for Music Station. Marquee deals with Jin's issues with his former band and his developing feeling for his best friends while WHABT shows us how Yamapi starts letting Koyama in his personal struggle mainly around the time before and after NEWS goes to hiatus. Both so, so good.
Any other news? Ah! "Color" finally arrived! I haven't open it yet cus it looks so nice all clean I don't want it getting dirty. My room is a mess, the moment I get out of classes I'll clean everything up, then I'm gonna open it and listen to it.