Gardening and Notes from Camp

May 27, 2008 11:22

The family and I spent the bulk of this past weekend watching soccer and digging in the dirt. We did make substantial progress on the gardening front. I now have profound respect for our immigrant ancestors who wrestled the prairies into suitable farm land. I was just working with a 12'X20' plot and I hurt all over.

Here's the old plot (those are tomatoes and one mutant rhubarb plant):

And here's the new plot (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and a few berry bushes):

Note the spiffy new fencing designed to foil the deer. Let's hope it works.
As the growing season progresses I plan on taking more pics so I can look back on this and go, "Oh yeah...that was worth it."

In other news, chloemarieke and I enjoyed 5th grade camp last week and no, we're not 5th graders.

We are, however, the parents of 5th graders and we fulfilled our duty as chaperons.

Since CM was my bunk mate I learned many dark secrets about her (the result of spending time with only flash lights on). The most impressive bit of information came the next morning ---she can French braid her own hair. She did not offer to French braid my hair so I spent the day looking stupid.

To kill the boredom of chaperoning a herd of 11-year-olds while they learn valuable life lessons like compass reading, fire building, and successful zip-lining over creeks we indulged in some covert surveillance of the cute college-age camp counselors. It took us 2 days but we finally figured out what this tattoo was:

It helped that CM unabashedly went and asked if that was really "Jack Skellington and Sally" from A Nightmare Before Christmas. It was! Mystery solved.


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