I was off to a good start today but the day got away from me...hence not much accomplished.
And then The Eldest had an essay to write on Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon and I swear either he didn't read the whole thing or DID NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. *sigh*
BUT I HAVE TO ANNOUNCE A WINNER---to Friday's art offering.
I had ten names to put into the hat and I enlisted The Eldest to do the official choosing and
wildeagain's name was the one!
If you can pm me with an address (I want to make sure I have the right one) I will kindly forward you something artful (when it is completed).
Assuming all goes as planned it will be a more finished version of this:
For everyone else---please stop by this Friday for another give-away!
This is excellent motivation for my creativity...
And now I am off to a much desired appointment with my pillow.