Granado Espada - CB ended

Mar 19, 2007 18:34

CB was over last night at 9pm. Due to the new version for OB, the database has been wiped. I miss my characters already. :X Not that it really matters, since I'm going to replicate my primary party anyway, preferably with the same first names. Or maybe two wizards, paired with more sturdy folks for leveling. Levitation is so useful, especially for bosses. <3. With the help of 2x and 3x exp, managed to hit 70 and 71 on the last day.

A few more caps:

The last boss, the same as the one at the last event, except at level 100:

Levitation allow wizards to avoid most kinds of area of effect damage, as well as melee. Sadly, it doesn't protect you from gun attacks.

Kneeling stance for musketeers was an absolute pain to level, considering that you can't move while in the stance, but it proves useful for bosses.

Apparently you can sign up for Pre(?)-OB here:

Need to supply a valid email address. Otherwise, they don't ask for anything too personal. I used an old school ID card number for proof.

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