May 18, 2003 11:37
Man i would never had thought that i would fall behind in this thing, but i have. OKay so i guess i should stop talking SHIT and get on with it, ALRIGHT here it comes!!
Tues: After updating, i went on with training, can't really do much cause of my elbow! Later that day i met up with Jenny in town, and went for coffee and chatted cause i 1st met her last monday in a club and of course she knew who i was but not very well, cause of the drinks in her. Had coffee in starbucks then went for a walk around looking at stuff and generally getting to know eachother. The day finished off with a kiss in the cheek and then we went our ways! As she lives on campus and me down in the town.
Wed: had no lectures, woopie things are slowly winding down hereas exams are starting and my course is slowly finishing too. Had to hand in 2 projects which made it on time. Spent time with Jenny again, 11am till 2:30 when i had to see the doctor. Played some pool and again chatted. Grabbed some lunch on campus in the restaurant here. At 2:30 i saw the doc, he re-scanned my elbow & i can say the fluid has gone. So he discharged me and i was over the moon as next weekend i have 2 meets Sun and Mon! Later that night we had an athletics meet here, and to watch the javelin made me sad cause i knew deep down i could soo kick their asses, but FUCK i have this elbow SHIT! after the meet me and the boys rushed home, got changed and headed into town for a social evening. Went clubbing and had a great time with jenny! Everyone gave me their blessings and hope me the best with her!
Thurs: Not much happened on this day, went to lecture and found out that nect week and the week after we have an exam, and assessment on a lower limb injury. Basically i know nothing! ARRGH i am so screwed , got to get some studding going!
Fri: Went into training, things were looking and feeling good. I was able to get on with my weights cause there was hardly anyone in the training room, that's the way i like it. I mainly did bicep work and tricep works to strenghten my elbow as it is about 20%weaker then my left. Afterwards came into the libary to see if i could get on and update my LJ but no luck the computers were all full. So to hell with it i'll do it on sunday! Went home after seeing my professor! He liked my journal that i am doing for him for next year, same as this one really! says i am on for an A grade, well stoked about that seeing that the others projects, i've had back were mainly b- and c's!
Later that evening i took Jenny to dinner at this cool place. Had a few drinks at the bar then our table was ready, after the meal we headed up to campus to the club, but seeing that it was boring that night i went back to her room & ended up chatting until 4am.
Sat: got some quality zzz's after i droped jenny off at work. and then met up with her again afterwards to catch the pre-screening of the matrix reloaded!
Sun: training was hard, as i have this shitty cold/flu. These pills i am taking don't seem to be working fast they are taking their time. Blasted things. I had to carry a car tyre behind me for half the session (tired) then hurdle drills and then to finish the session of it was 6 30m sprints! After that about 1 hour ago, i am my way to the libry coughing my lungs out to up you guys about me!! So there you go. a full run down on whats going on with me since last tuesday!!