Наши матери, наши отцы (Generation War)

May 27, 2014 21:52

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Трех серийный немецкий фильм о поколении войны, о войне.

Не то, чтобы мне очень понравилось, но интересно, стоит смотреть.

То, что не понравилось: то, что сценаристу не важно, он не прорабатывает - совершенно не натуральные все русские (как по характерам, там и по антуражу - чистые и глаженые гимнастерки, постояные случайные встречи главных героев выглядят абсолютно невероятными и т.д.

Даже главные герои мне показались какими то карандашными набросками, а не проработаными персонажами.

То, что интересно: это фильм о том, как немцы себе представляют (или хотят представлять) эту войну.
Еще интересно, как фильм восприняли в разных странах.

Теперь избранные цитаты из Википедии:

После выхода фильма на экраны МИД Российской Федерации отправил официальное письмо послу ФРГ в России, в котором отмечалось «неприятие этого фильма абсолютным большинством посмотревших его российских зрителей», указывалось на неприемлемость попыток ставить на одну доску совершенные на территории СССР массовые зверства гитлеровских войск и имевшие место отдельные эксцессы со стороны советских военнослужащих, строго каравшиеся военным руководством". Фильм получил массу положительных и отрицательных рецензий. В Германии многие издания назвали картину «культурным событием года». В Польше образ «кровожадных» польских партизан, показанный в фильме, вызвал негодование многих общественных организаций, обратившихся к Радославу Сикорскому с просьбой о пресечении распространения фильма. Польский дипломат в Германии Ежи Маргански (польск. Jerzy Marganski) отправил письмо компании ZDF с протестом и очень жёсткой критикой того, как в фильме были изображены поляки. Не меньшему осуждению подвергся фильм и со стороны российских блогеров за пропаганду идеи о массовых изнасилованиях немецких женщин советскими солдатами.

. The Economist stated that hardly any German TV drama ever caused that much public debate. 'Generation War' has generated much controversy. The film's portrayal of Nazis as "Others" separate from and different from most Germans provoked disbelief, and was criticized as historically inaccurate. Some critics have commended the series as well-crafted, and praised it for showing aspects of the war not shown in other World War II pictures. Other critics were outraged by alleged characteristics of the story, including the portrayal of the Polish anti-Nazi resistance as fanatical anti-semites, the trivialization of the persecution of Jews by Nazi Germany, the hiding of the German role in the Holocaust, and the whitewashing of the difference between non-German victims and German perpetrators.

Several German historians criticised the film. The historian Ulrich Herbert wrote that the film showed Nazis as "others", different from "Our Mothers and Fathers". It showed all Germans as victims. The film showed nothing of the love and trust that Hitler inspired in German youth, or of the widespread belief that Germany deserved to rule Europe. In reality, he wrote, these "mothers and fathers" were a highly ideological and politicised generation, who wanted Nazi Germany to win victory, because that would be right.[27]

The historian Habbo Knoch said that the film failed to show how the Nazi system functioned. The film showed 20-year old characters who became victims of war, but missing were the 30 to 40-year old Germans who built the Nazi system and supported it out of a mixture of conviction and self-interest. The film should have shown those who profited from the Nazi system

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that the film would give the remaining survivors of the World War II generation an opportunity to discuss it with their families. The film had introduced a new phase in historical films on the Nazi era.

The historian Norbert Frei praised the film for showing, for the first time on German television, an unvarnished portrait of Germany's war against the Soviet Union, including the participation of the Wehrmacht in murdering Jews, the shooting of hostages as reprisals against partisan resistance, and the looting of homes vacated by Jews. He wrote that the film did not present idealised one-dimensional figures, but people of broken character who become aware of their shared guilt.

Many Polish viewers were outraged at the depiction of Poles as the greatest anti-semites shown in the film. Tygodnik Powszechny described the film as "falsification of history" in depicting all Poles as fanatical anti-semites, even more so than the Germans who are shown as "basically good people" misled by the Nazis. Critics stated that the screenwriters sought to slander the Polish anti-Nazi resistance underground army Armia Krajowa which is shown in the film as rabidly anti-semitic. In fact, the Armia Krajowa had a branch called Żegota devoted to the rescue of Jews from the Holocaust in Poland carried out by the Germans. The Polish ambassador in Austria, Jerzy Marganski, and the Polish embassy in Germany sent a letter of complaint to the German broadcaster ZDF pointing out that the Armia Krajowa had Jewish members, and that Poles constituted one-quarter of the Righteous among the Nations honored at Yad Vashem. The broadcaster issued a statement that it was regrettable that the role of Polish characters had been interpreted as unfair and hurtful: "The deeds and responsibility of the Germans should in no way be relativized.


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