Apr 24, 2006 02:01
::*Today did you...
1. Talk to a boy/girl you like: yeah
2. Bought something to eat: went to Kensington in the rain... and I just got back from Dominion
3. Got sick: thank god, no
4. Sing: drunken singing is the best
5. Make out: *sigh*... sadly nope.
6. Cry: nope
7. Realize anything new: don't think so
8. Talk to an ex: yeah
9. Miss someone: don't think so...
::*Last person who....
10. Slept in your bed: with me? liam. if you mean last night, then i was allllll alone.
11. Saw you cry: dipesh. THAT was embarrassing.
12. Went to the movies with: jonathan. saw thank you for smoking.
13. You went to the mall with: rachael. we went shoe shopping. it was dangerous.
15. That made you laugh: dipesh. we were at tim horton's. something's bound to be funny at timmy's.
16. Said they loved you: no idea. wow... that's depressing.
17. Called you in the middle of the night: stephen. but the "middle of the night" is all relative. that was the middle of most people's night, but the middle of my night is around 8, and that would be my mom, because who but your mom would call you at such an ungodly hour?
21. Do you have a crush on someone: kindasortamaybe. life's no fun if you're not at least PRETENDING to like someone.
22. What book are you reading now: my linguistics textbook. the season of lillian dawes. and a buncha cooking magazines.
23. Best feeling in the world: adrenaline.
27. Favorite sports to watch: baseball if the yankees are playing. other than that, tennis. or hockey.
28. Favorite Location: Paris.
29. Piercing/Tattoos: just the ears.
30. What are you most scared of right now: someday realizing i've wasted all the opportunities i had in life. or my brother being drafted.
31. Where do you want to get married?: Immaculate Conception in Quiogue.
32. What do you really hate?: people who don't shuffle the cards before putting them back in the box. people who leave movies before the credits are over. waking up.
33. Do you have a job: i am a full-time student and a part-time kitchen slave
34. Do you like being around people: most of the time.
36. Have you ever cried: that's a dumb question. of course.
37. Are you lonely right now?: nope. it's me and kenny chesney having a wonderful time together.
38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?: well... i'm listening to "no shirt, no shoes, no problems." but i woke up this morning with "Can't stop now" stuck in my head.
41. Been on radio/TV: i used to have a radio show.
42. Ever liked someone, But you think they never noticed you?: all the time.
43. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?: no... why would i like someone like that?
44. Where do you want your next vacation? Paris.
1. First real best friend: Joey Rault. or Joanna Ferrell.
2. First school: St. Thomas More.
3. First screenname: oomwah. don't ask.
4. First funeral: my great-grandfather
6. First celebrity love: first? not too sure. although i was completely obsessed with will friedle for awhile... he was on boy meets world.
7. First Job : camp counselor.
::*Everyone also has their lasts...
1. Last person you hugged: uh... dipesh i think.
2. Last song you heard: Coast of Somewhere Beautiful. (Song changed since the last music question)
3. Last car ride: i was in a cab coming back from ny on Tuesday. i was in a car sometime last weekend... not too sure when.
4. Last movie you watched?: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. SOOO good.
5. Last food you ate: doughnut from timmy's
6. Last person of the opposite sex you talked to? dipesh. i swear... i have other friends. they're just all working.
7. Last shirt worn: Westhampton Beach shirt from the print shop in town. i can't believe it still fits me... i've had it since middle school. that's depressing :(