Apr 19, 2007 15:53
So to continue from where I was so rudely interrupted by school: I auditioned with a speech I'd written the night before :
Classes of 2007 are graduating all over the world, throwing our tasseled caps into the air and celebrating the end of 12 years of study and determination and the beginning of a lifetime of study and determination. The road ahead is long and possibly hard, but JIS and all of the other schools we have all attended have prepared us for that road. And here we are, sitting in the “big gym” of the last high school we will ever attend decked out in our graduation finery about to embark on a journey with all of the other classes of 2007 all over the world. Some of us are afraid we won’t make any friends in University, we will. Others of us are afraid we will fail, and we will, but a little setback like failure isn’t going to stop anyone from the Jakarta International School Class of 2007. Still more of us are terrified of the whole package. No parents to comfort you, or bail you out of awkward situations. No pembantu* to cook your meals or wash your clothes. No wallet full of cash. No late work policies. And there’s even the possibility of a creepy roommate that watches you while you sleep. Put that way, University is a terrifying thing, but it turns out that it’s really no more horrible than we make it out to be. Let’s look at the positives - For a lot of us momma and daddy are so far away that they can’t tell you your skirt’s too short or to get that hair out of your eyes (Secretly we do appreciate these gestures). Without your trusty pembantu you will get to learn to separate whites, colors and blacks, and to always wash new clothes separately and you’ll get to eat all that delicious cafeteria food for every meal. Without momma and daddy’s money you’ll learn to be an independent citizen of the world who works for their weekly movie dates with their new girlfriend or that splurge on shoes. When kind JIS teachers are replaced by professors who wont take “but, my house flooded” as an answer you’ll learn to step up and get everything in on time.
So with the skills we have acquired at JIS and around the world let’s run with a hint of abandon towards University and life remembering not to be afraid to wash our own clothes or ask for a room transfer if we do end up with that creepy roommate.
*Indonesian word for nanny/maid.
And apparently they liked it. This isn't the speech I'll be doing on the 25th for an audience of over 500 (I feel at least a liiiittttle intitled to brag about it) but I'm really looking forward to it. And maybe it's becuase it's more than a month away but I'm not nervous about it at all, I was nervous that I wouldn't get picked but now that I have been it's just happy times. And now I need to do the 3 pages for Human Physiology on Love and the Human Brain.