First in 4 years

Apr 19, 2010 06:13

It has been a long time.... for me to try to express my feelings in this medium. It has been a long time since I took the time for me. Four years has brought so much change to my life.... a wife..home..... family.... rich my life has become... There is still a sadness there... more dispair and emotions I can not share... the difference now is I know it is okay to feel and cry... I laugh a lot and find beauty in the simple and spectacular....I share these with the love of my life who understands me fully and accepts me for who I am completely. For this I am the richest person in the world... wishing I could share the wealth to those who need it more than me right now...but I am still selfish with this gift.... as it is fragile and could be gone in a blink of a eye. That is what I learned in 2009.
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