life lessons

Feb 24, 2004 21:51

A couple of years ago I decided to keep a list of important lessons in life. Every couple of weeks or so, or every time I learn a new one, I add it to the list. Since I am told I am in such dire need of new content on my livejournal as some people have suggested, I thought it would be meaningful to share my list.


1) Quality not quantity.
2) If you think a question is stupid, it is.
3) Don't waste time discussing, take action.
4) The truth will set you free, but don't always volunteer it.
5) The game never ends.
6) Fight for what you want, you'll eventually get it.
7) If you want it bad enough, compromise is not an option.
8) Eventually, It all comes down to you.
9) Dance.
10) Opinions are dangerous, voice them cautiously.
11) No one understands everything, tolerate a certain level of ignorance.
12) Total stupidity is not acceptable, educate or separate.
13) Homosexuality is a biological trait; and not a basis for friendship.
14) Everything in life is a spectrum, nothing is extreme.
15) There is always an exception, get over it.
16) The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
17) Understand that friends come and go, but it is the precious few that you should hold onto
18) There is a solution to every problem until you give up.
19) No matter how extreme some Americans seem, we can always feel better by looking at Europe.
20) Mystery is exhilarating.
21) Not everything is intentional evil, usually there is a good reason.
22) Race is not an issue in everything.
23) Don't nark. Life will still continue despite little wrongs.
24) Nothing can be attributed to one thing.
25) Skip class, enjoy college.
26) Don't expect anyone else to support you.
27) Sleep is best limited to less than 8 hours a night.
28) Eat when you get hungry.
29) Drink in moderation. Vomiting is not an option.
30) If you're given an inch, take a foot; depending on the situation.
31) Morals are good.
32) Follow-through is the most important aspect of ideas.
33) Authority is not always right, fight it.
34) Stand up, being passive is not commendable.
35) Travel.
36) Eat animal, it taste good.
37) Obesity is a serious health issue, and a great basis for jokes.
38) Enjoy your body. Use it everyway you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it. It is the greatest instrument you will ever own.
39) All class readings are optional.
40) Self-control is the key to success.
41) Imagination begins all ideas.
42) Don't let society get you down, life is too short to be negative.
43) Don't take Black Politics classes, you can't win.
44) Tolerance is different than acceptance. Tolerate people, you don't have to accept them.
45) You don't learn life through education. You learn it through living.
46) Enjoy life naturally, your down time will be better.
47) Celebrate life!
48) Fuck the metric system, we're American.
49) Dress for success.
50) Don't waste your time with jealosy. Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes you are behind - the race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself.
51) Little things quickly add up, save.
52) United we stand, divided we fall.
53) Your choices are half chance. So are everyone else’s.
54) The ugly duck syndrome does exist, use it to your advantage.
55) Putting things on hold is giving up.
56) Sacrifice promises future rewards.
57) Life isn't fair, do your best with what you have.
58) The test of life doesn't matter, it's how you overcome it.
59) Buckle up.
60) Ride a roller coaster.
61) Do one thing everyday that scares you.
62) Try to socialize, it keeps your life worth living.
63) Your past will always be there, be cautious of how you live in the present.
64) Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
65) Plan ahead, you need to be ready for anything.
66) Trust your instincts.
67) Don't be reckless with other people's hearts.
68) Don't put up with people who are reckless of yours.
69) Remember complements you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
70) First impressions are 75% of someone.
71) Money is an attainable goal.
72) Desire something.
73) Dream big and always aim for it.
74) Trust yourself.
75) You can never help or please everyone.
76) You will never be the most beautiful or the ugliest. There is always better or worse.
77) Everything is relative.
78) After everything you do, ask yourself: "self, Was it worth it?"
79) There are ramifications for all behavior.
80) Be nice to your siblings. They are the best link to your past and the people who are most likely to stick with you in the future.
81) Someone is always jealous of you, no matter who you are.
82) Be proud of your past, it has formed the present.
83) Don't get caught.
84) Petty people are not worth your time.
85) There are a lot of things you don't like. Don't complain if you aren't trying to change them.
86) Vote.
87) Don't congratulate yourself too much
88) Don't burate yourself too much
89) Your choices are half chance. So are everyone else’s
90) Dancing and singing are the best ways to let go of yourself.
91) You cannot run from your problems.
92) Even if its not your fault, its your responsibility. Fix it.
93) Move past the present.
94) A mistake is a negative way to look at a learned lesson.
95) Remember names.
96) Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good.
97) Music doesn't create your mood, it only enhances it.
98) Don't worry about the future, or worry to know worrying is as effective as trying to
solve an algebra problem chewing bubble gum.
99) The real troubles in life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind - the kind that blind sight you at 4pm on some idle tuesday.
100) Puns are fun.
101) Nice guys finish first, you just have to be patient.
102) You always have a choice.
103) Things aren't always as they seem.
104) Sooner or later, everybody's bill comes due.
105) Respect yourself, no one else will do it for you.
106) Never trust those who don't trust you.
107) Be careful with whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.
108) College isn't about time management, or stress management. It's about bullshit management.

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