Jul 17, 2004 22:53
Felt like I should probably update. Laying in bed to do so. Feel sick. Very sick. Muscles hurt like a mo-fo, I'm getting the chills, no appetite, very fatigued... you name it. Feels like the flu. Hopefully it's only the 24-hour version. I can't imagine writing stories or designing the paper next week feeling like this. Oh well. Job's a job. I'll do what I have to do to get it done.
God bless spontaneity. Went to visit Bookie in Streetboro on a whim. We had a good time. Stayed up til at least 4 talking. Woke up around 4 to "start our day." Always good to find another night owl out there. Always good to make another kick ass friend. We'll be hanging out soon I'm sure. He also owes me a Matchbox 20 CD! (I will not forget about that!)
Wasn't feeling good most of the day. Decided to meet up with Chris anyways. We were going to attempt to go hiking after his band practice. Yea, that didn't happen. We're going to try again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be feeling better. Hopefully.
For everyone's information, Chaz is a bitch. No really. Awesome guy. Still a bitch. He apparently had a really big family dinner engagement thingy. I, in the meantime, was with Chris at band practice. He starts text messaging me telling me what was on the menu. My stomach was growling. I called him to jokingly chew him out. We talk for a few minutes, and then I hang up and go back to work. Not 2 minutes later, the asshole sends me ANOTHER text message further rubbing in the fact that he was about to enjoy a wonderful dinner. Damn him. About half an hour later, I get another text message from him... this one was a little odd though. Simply said "Billy Jean is not my lover.." Yea, no clue what that's about. I'll have to ask him next time he's on.
13 days until I get paid by YSU. Cannot wait. I can then resume a normal life. Stupid penny pinching is starting to get on my nerves. Besides that, it'd be REALLY nice to have some furniture in my room!
On that note, it's time for me to go pop some pills, crawl up in the fetal position, and wait for this stupid whatever-the-hell sickness it is to go away.