Jun 19, 2007 21:04
I was all pissy yesterday because it seems like no matter what I've done lately, I get screwed up the ass, with barbed wire.
Despite my whiny ass, I knew I was playing the "victim" role.
Well. All i can say , is that I'm soooooo glad I had that so-called job interview today. For the first time ever, I actually have the confidence to sell something (not coffee related). I honestly do believe it's a good product and it really does sell itself. Or, would sell itself once I know EVERYTHING there is to know about the product. I really think that once i have my foot in the door & give my presentation, i will honestly be a successful saleswoman. I believe in the product, I've seen it work for others, and from trying to buy the product in the past myself, I do know I have not experienced any of the old-fashioned, pushy salespeople trying to shove something that would not benefit me down my throat. I honestly believe in the product and the company (so far) and think it may almost be a piece of cake to sell once I know all there is to know about the products.
I'm not saying it will be easy and that I will be successful right off the bat or that I'll jump a few rungs on the financial ladder. I know the first few times I give it a go, I'll probably fuck up and/or make an ass out of myself. And not necessarily during the actual sales presentation. I'll probably fuck up just trying to get appointments on the phone and/or in person. But, I think it will be relatively smooth sailing once I know what i'm doing. I'm sure there will be some waves rocking the boat every once in a while, but I think this job will be much less stressful than social service type jobs and actually just as fun...just more fun.
And, I'll essentially be in charge of myself...just a contracted salesperson. I'll be able to work when i want and make as many appointments as I want. And I want to do a lot. I'm not going to sit on my ass for a week or 2, then work a few days, take another week off or whatever. I have a lot of ridiculous debts to pay off. I want a more gas efficient vehicle. I want to move out of mommy's house. I want to buy my own house. And, I want to be able to have my own darkroom setup, and the ability to have the time to work on my own little projects on the side. I should be able to do all that with this job if i work my ass off. And, I really don't have anything better to do with my time right now.
I have a ton of arts and crafts supplies and project ideas. But, I'm so stressed out with my bills, my car, the legal system and whatever, i don't have the desire or lack the ability to actually sit down and do what i want to do with the whole photography and arts/crafts thing. But once I start selling, paying off my bills and whatnot, I'll be able to relax and do what I want with the whole photography and craft thing.
Today's interview wasn't really an interview. It was more of an informative meeting (2 others and myself applying) and a sly way for the woman in charge to get a feel for us and our personalities and to see which, if any of us may be a good fit for the role. After about 90 mins., she had to call an end to it for another group of potentials/hopefuls. She said that if she wants to interview us one on one, we should hear back by the end of this week. I hope she calls me back. I want this so bad i can almost taste it. And, I know that once i get the hang of it, I'll be good at it.
If she doesn't call me back, I'm going to have to make a slight ass out of myself and ask/beg for an interview. I'll have to make a slight ass out of myself because I cannot remember the chick's name. She's not the same person who scheduled the appointment over the phone. So, I'll have to send a letter and/or make a phone call and just apologize, state it was nerves and whatever, but I can't remember whoeve;rs name but i really want the chance to interview and show them how bad i want this.
I am prepared for an interview already. I have an idea of about 10+ businesses I want to cold call for a meeting. I don't know if they're already clients but I know there are a ton of businesses in the area where employees would really benefit from a couple of the products. And, she even told us how the employers themselves benefit too.
The downside: I need to cough up about $300 to get my license. The process doesn't seem to take very long. With the stupid tickets I got yesterday, and my cut in pay beginning this next week, I have no idea how I'll make the $300. I REALLY don't want to, but I think i'm going to have to ask the parents to borrow the money. The upside: Mom said she thinks I'd be good at the job too. She wouldn't say so if she thought otherwise.
There's even more good news. However, Mom's not feeling well, and i need to go run some errands for her. I'll have to write about that later tonight or tomorrow. It has to do with a submission call for photographs to be published in an up and coming book. I think I may stand a chance for that as well. I don't know what the compensation is, but it would be cool to be able to say my work is published in a legit publication. I'm in the process of getting my photos together (just the ones uploaded on my comp so far) so i can submit them electronically. Hopefully, the image sizes will be acceptable and I won't need to send in actual prints. Or, hopefully, they'll be able to use the pro photo shop to make them size appropriate.....