Journal (cont.)!!!!!!!

Mar 21, 2006 16:46

10:26am ~
(Sarah) Oh glorious day! Sunny and blue skies (yes, even in Seattle), and the birds are making quite a fuss outside. If we were on our Roadtrip, we would be heading toward LA from San Francisco right now. We are going to my dad's for dinner tonight and, if we can work out the car situation easily, to Pike Place today.

2:08pm ~
(Rachel) After laughing at George driving around the cul-de-sac in his tricycle (stopping every few feet to stare into the distance and contemplate life), we left to go to Pike Place. First we drove two cars to the school, so that Daniel could have one, and on the way, a little old man in a convertible cut me off at a turn lane. While we were waiting for the green arrow, he got out of his car and came running back to mine to reassure me that it was his fault. We dropped the green soccer mom minivan off with Daniel and kept the cool little black car for ourselves. We are now on our way officially!

5:02pm ~
(R) We are back from our exciting expedition to Pike Place Market. Sarah bought lots of things including an Elliott and a spare Elliott, and I bought a swimming duckling postcard. We saw amazing sleeves and skirts in the Afghan shop, guys throwing fish at the fish market, pretty jewelry everywhere, and - COLONY OF DUCKS! - the best bad souvenir shop. Highlights of the shop were the deluxe Jesus action figure (complete with 5 loaves, 2 fishes, and a wine jug), variously sized devil ducks with different patterns on them, a banana-flavored giant banana slug candy, the crazy cat lady action figure, and, my personal favorite, wind-up liederhosen, advertised as "German trousers with a mind of their own!" and a picture of a little German guy in boxers, racing after them with a mug of beer in his hand, crying, "O! Mein liederhosen!" Now we are off to Sarah's dad's to see the kitten and eat dinner!
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