AHHH this whole weekend was awesome!!!! Thursday was ok we had fun ...I think. we didn't feel like wasting 5 bucks just to sit around on the warf like assholes so instead we sat around on the beachlike assholes and got sand in our shoes. "I'm gunna piss in your mouth ...OPEN UP!"
kougar...kougar owner.
then on saturday I had to go to a family reunion and was left there all alone because kelsey and evan got tickets to eric clapton. I was so angry ...I was supposed to go but tickets were 200 bucks a pop. ....and I'm not rich like evan. after the party I went to conecticut with andy and I went to see the fireworks with him. it was fun. I am now an official staffordite! yes. then I just hung around his house for the next couple of days and slept over and stuff. it was lots of fun. I got to watch the blair thumb and bat thumb. best movies ever made. on sunday we went to boston and fanueil hall. we got to eat clam chowder!! and we went to the aquarium to see the fishys! YAY!
now I'm just tired. I've been cleaning my room ever since I got home. bleh.
cleanliness is godliness