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jautero: Following Hugo ceremony through Twitter.
[03:52] jautero: Cheryl Morgan won the Best Dave Langford Hugo. (= Best Fan Writer)
[03:54] jautero: Best Fan Artist: Frank Wu
[03:55] jautero: Best Fanzine: Electric Velocipede[03:56] jautero: According to Hugo Awards web site there are 15 categories, so 4 more to go.
[03:57] jautero: I mean 12, unless that includes Campbell award that went to David Anthony Durham.
[04:02] jautero: Best Semiprozine is Weird Tales.
[04:04] jautero: Best Related Book goes to Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded, John Scalzi
[04:12] jautero: Dramatic Presentation, Long Form goes to Wall-e, as it should.
[04:27] jautero: Short Form is no surprise either: Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog.
[04:31] jautero: Best Editors: Long Form is David G. Hartwell, Short Form Ellen Datlow.
[04:33] jautero: Best Graphic Story: Girl Genius by Kaja and Phil Foglio.[04:36] jautero: Best Professional Artist goes to Donato Giancola.
[04:41] jautero: Best Short Story: Exhalation, Ted Chang[04:43] jautero: Best Noveelette "Shoggoths in Bloom", Elizabeth Bear[04:43] jautero: Novelette, that is.
[04:44] jautero: Best Novella was "The Erdmann Nexus" by Nancy Kress.
[04:45] jautero: Novel category left.
[04:46] jautero: Went to the GoH.
[04:46] jautero: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
[04:48] jautero: The Erdmann Nexus can be found here:[04:50] jautero: And that concludes my pathetic attempt to advocate good (or at least popular in some circles) science fiction.