Kyuuuuuuuu! Reading Chapter 172 has made me realized how grown up Gama has become.
Honestly speaking, throughout the series, I never really thought much of Gama. Like. He's the main character right? But he didn't really appeal to me (probably cuz I was so into Naoyoshi, lawls). Even in terms of my fangirl rabid head all I could see was
Ranmaru ------------------><--Naoyoshi --><- Gama
with somewhat wishful thinking that it be mutual Ranmaru/Naoyoshi someday. HOWEVER, then this happened in 172:
Gama: Hmph... Even if it's by myself I would have came alone... Toujou: What? Gama: Saving Naoyoshi-san... defeating my dad... until these two things are accomplish I won't stop...
Gama: This is only what my life is for right now
KYUUUUUU After so many chapters I can finally see Gama being all grown up. Defeat Ranmaru (but please don't kill him) then swoop Naoyoshi-san into your armmmmmmmms!
I do have to wonder about what happens though after Naoyoshi is saved. Does the series end? Does another arc begin? I don't really see Naoyoshi playing a significant role in the story anymore after this... unless he gets kidnapped again (omg what is he, a heroine?!). The worst possible thing to happen is to have Naoyoshi die (noes!) have Ranmaru die (noes! But kinda likely. Maybe) then have Jinsuke die for health reasons (lawls) without Gama ever having to unsheathe his sword.
The most plausible thing to happen in the story afterwards is for Naoyoshi to become the Daimyo (as he's the only one left) without coercion, have Ranmaru serve as his permanent vessel in Unabara (he doesn't die as Naoyoshi pleas for Ranmaru's life during his decisive battle with Gama?), then have Gama visit him once in a while then start off a new arc within Ogame.
Plots, plots...
Oooooh I gotta write something for them soon before I lose my inspiration.