EDIT: Cross-posting this to
www.deaexlibris.livejournal.com. For my continuing adventures in exercise and the like, follow that journal. I won't be posting here anymore. :)
I'm very excited to report that I managed to score a ticket to BlizzCon 2010, held this year in Anaheim, CA on October 22 & 23.
The air & hotel have been booked & paid for, and in the time between now and then, I'm sure I'll think of 5000 things that need to be done.
On a similar note (I promise), I've been having a lot of trouble motivating myself to work out, eat healthily, etc lately... I say lately, but really I mean 'since 7th grade'. I've been acknowledging the need to work out & eat better & all that, but can never actually work up the motivation to do it. I've tried everything I can think of - mixed tapes, seeing a trainer, working at a gym, paying for a gym, etc. None of these have worked, some are burning through my money even though I'm not using them (and I'm not exactly proud of admitting that fact, but I want to bare bones here.), and I figured it's pretty much time to do the one thing I haven't tried.
Overall, I'm very self-conscious about exercise, because I know that I am physically weaker than I would like to be. I have a lot of self-worth/image issues in general anyway, and a byproduct of that is an avoidance of showing weakness to others. I don't really like going to the gym when other people are there, because I don't want people to see me straining to bench press an empty bar (...for example, and that's a true account. In high school, at least, I could barely do 10 reps with no weight on the bar). However, I can't even bring myself to use the stationary bike we have in our house, somewhere relatively 'out of sight', at least from strangers' eyes.
And of course, it's only through telling others about your struggles that you get their encouragements. ;)
So I've decided to do the one thing I haven't tried yet, when it comes to finding motivation to get in shape. I'm just going to tell all of you about what I'm doing - how I'm eating, what exercise I've done, and of course, the little victories along the way.
My goal is somewhat unique in that I don't care how much I weigh. Like, at all. I have a vague sense of what the scale says, but the last time I was on one was last September. What I do care about is the fact that my BMI is somewhere between 25-26 (because I don't know exactly how much I weigh), and a 25+ BMI is considered obese. I have too much body fat and not enough muscle, and that is what needs to change. I need to lower my BMI in order to be healthy.
And now to tie them together...
As lame as it may be, being that it's a gaming convention and all, I want to use BlizzCon as my goal date. It's four months to the day away, and that seems like a reasonable time frame to me - a little challenging, but not impossible or unhealthy.
A healthy BMI for my height and frame is around 19-20. I wish I knew more about how it's calculated, and what kind of units they use, since there doesn't seem to be much of a difference between 25 and 20, but who knows. If any of you do, hit me up.
The median healthy weight for my height and frame is 130lbs (the range being 120-140). Since I have (what feels like, at least) more fat than muscle, I probably won't actually "lose weight" over the course of my getting in shape. Muscle is denser than fat, and all. And really, who the hell cares what the scale says; I just want to be healthy.
So there you have it. I'm opening myself up, doing something fairly uncomfortable, so that in the long run, I'll be healthy. Here's hoping you'll all stick with me over the next four months, yell at me when I get lazy and whiney, and cheer me on when I hit mini-goals along the way.
I'll try to post something every day here, but additionally I'll be using my Twitter for updates (DeaExLibris, for those of you who wish to follow).