Dec 31, 2007 19:32
So, chums, I tried quite hard to complete the 2007 memey thing but just couldn't find the time, and this in itself seems to sum up my 2007 fairly well. I have become the (willing) slave of jauntybaby which means not enough time for friends, family, other loved ones, interweb memes, washing, housekeeping, working, shopping, flicking through magazines or any of the other things I used to fritter away my time upon. I'm sure that anyone unfortunate enough to be within spitting distance* of me when drunk will have been bored by me waxing lyrical about the joys of motherhood... but since 2.50pm on 21 July this year really has been the most breathtakingly and discombobulatingly emotional one EVAH. He is currently lying on his gym blowing raspberries and will hopefully be fast asleep by midnight so on behalf of him and me, happy new year to everyone and a virtual toast (champagne from me, sweet potato puree from him) to 2008.
*literal spitting distance most likely