Title: Occam’s Razor
jaune_chatFandoms: Heroes
Characters/Pairings: Matt/Peter, Matt/Luke, Matt/Gabriel, Matt/Mohinder, Matt/Emma. Everyone/Everyone.
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 2,238
Spoilers: Through the end of S4
Warnings: Slash, het, orgy
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC et al.
A/N: Written for
kethni’s Valentine’s Matt-a-thon for the prompt: “Basically, Matt's juggling a whooooole lotta guys - Mohinder, Peter, Luke, Sylar/Gabriel... hell, maybe some girls. I mean, the man has a full schedule and they all need different things from him (like Mohinder needs someone to ground him and Peter needs someone who will empathise with him and Luke needs someone to take control and idk, Gabriel needs a spanking? Whatever.) Except sometimes, they all need him at once, which is when things get a little stressful. Easiest solution: ORGY! WHOO!” This came out far more introspective and stuff than cracky, sorry!
Summary: When everyone in Matt’s life needs him all at once, decides that the simplest solution is the best.
Monday mornings was Luke, at his apartment, before his first class on campus. Wake him up with a shake to the shoulder, hold his hands down as he opened his eyes, controlling everything from the second Luke became aware. No matter how late Luke had been out the night before, Matt made certain he was awake and ready for class. After making him beg for it, mind you. No matter how uncommunicative Luke was in the morning, his tongue was always eager for action.
Tuesday afternoons was Mohinder. That was always right after the Company meeting, when Mohinder would update the board members on his progress. It was usually right after then that he realized he hadn’t seen the sun in four days, had forgotten to shower for two, and hadn’t eaten since dinner last night. Matt had to make sure Mohinder didn’t get so wrapped up in his experiments and research that he forgot to be human. So Tuesdays (and sometimes other days, if things were particularly intense) Matt dropped by to haul Mohinder back to his apartment. For at least a half-day, they could cook together, watch football or soccer, and have messy, slippery sex in the shower. And right after that, Mohinder seemed almost human again.
By Wednesdays, Peter needed him. Getting over the hump was always hard, and Peter took it harder than most. He drove himself to exhaustion during his shifts, and Matt needed to be there to sympathize with him, to let him know he was still doing a good thing even if it drove him a little crazy sometimes. Time with Peter was usually spent on the breakroom sofa; fast, life-affirming quickies that energized him and gave him the will to make it through the week.
Thursday mornings Matt spent with Emma, and if someone might have mentioned to him that sleeping with both a guy and his girlfriend was more than a little irregular, Matt would just have pointed to the rest of his schedule and shrugged. Peter and Emma needed him for different reasons, and they never made any bones about the fact that they both saw him. Emma just needed him for a little simple understanding, just an hour with someone else who was trying for a life as normal as possible, even when having an ability.
Not that Peter and Emma weren’t getting along and making things work, but there were just one or two things Emma couldn’t talk about with Peter, so she talked with Matt instead. Or rather, he listened. He didn’t need to know sign language, and Emma had been tearfully grateful that he could just know what she needed without them both having to struggle through a language barrier. With Emma, things were soft and sweet, as close to normal as either of them could get. Which was, they both acknowledged, not very.
Fridays Matt saw Gabriel, now working for the Company. He needed a firmer hand than anyone but Luke; for his past transgressions, Gabriel had said he needed to be punished. Matt had seen right through the ruse. Gabriel did a mighty fine job of torturing himself, and Matt didn’t need to add to the anguish and angst. No, he just needed a little physical release, something to remind Gabriel to stay on the straight and narrow. That meant spanking Gabriel’s pale ass with a paddle until it turned a glowing red, and then pushing him deep into the mattress until Gabriel was screaming Matt’s name. By evening’s end, Matt was usually sweat-soaked and exhausted.
But he wouldn’t have had it any other way. Matt’s hours were flexible; going into the private investigator business had given him the freedom to be all things to all people. No other job on the planet let him do everything his way, or have so many people wanting him in so many ways.
“Could I see you on Saturday?” Mohinder asked, smiling as he toweled off Matt’s shoulders. “I’ve been hip-deep in this new sequencing of aligning chromosomal patterns with dependent gene coding that-.”
“Ok, ok, if you’re still talking in jargon after I just got through with you, things must be really bad,” Matt said with a laugh. Mohinder winced dramatically and tried to hide another smile.
“I’ll call you later then?”
“Matt, I’m so sorry I have to cancel. But I promised I’d take another shift because Torres called in sick. I’ll call you on Saturday, ok?”
Matt frowned a little at his voice mailbox on his phone and shrugged. Well, he could have Peter come before or after Mohinder, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.
Matt, my mom’s birthday is this Thursday, and I’ll be at her party all day with Peter. Could I see you on Saturday?
Matt looked at the text message with a growing sense of alarm. Mohinder, Peter, and Emma on the same day? He hoped he was up for the challenge.
Gabriel found enough strength to turn over and curl into Matt’s side, looking peaceful and calm. He had more than enough reason to be; with Peter and Emma having bailed on their usual times, Gabriel had gotten more than his fair share this week, and it showed.
“Thank you,” he whispered. “It helps, it really helps when you do this.”
Matt reached out an arm to put around Gabriel’s shoulders. “It helps that you’re not who you used to be.”
“I know…” Gabriel trailed off for a second, and Matt could almost hear him gather his courage for something else. He waited, half-asleep, for Gabriel to speak. “Matt, would it be ok if I came over tomorrow? I just-. Things have been harder, recently, and I just need a little extra help.”
“Sure,” Matt agreed amicably, not even thinking about it as they drifted off into sleep.
The truth of Matt’s reckless answer didn’t penetrate until about 2 a.m.
At three a.m., Matt’s phone vibrated, and he answered it blearily, knowing Gabriel wouldn’t wake up unless the building was on fire.
“Matt?” Luke’s uncertain voice came through loud and clear. “You awake?”
“I am now. What’s going on?”
“Oh… uh…” There was a hint of chagrin and uncertainty, the kind of, “oh shit” tone that Matt recognized from one or two other of Luke’s dark o’clock calls. “I think I did something stupid. I had kind of a bad week.”
“It’s three a.m., Luke. What are we gonna do about it right now? You need me?” Matt asked in concern, coming more fully awake.
“Um… How about I come over tomorrow? Or… later today, I guess. I mean, after you wake up again.”
Matt stared at the clock, realized (again) it was Saturday.
“How bad is this, Luke?”
“Not hospital bad. Can I come over?” he asked eagerly.
Matt could either try to line up everyone one after the other, hoping no one’s time would run over, or he could try something extremely simple. Matt considered the whole list of people he had lined up to come to his place, winced, groaned, and made a decision he was certainly going to live to regret.
“Yeah, I’ll text you the time, ok?”
“Yeah. Later!”
Matt quickly brought up his texting screen and rattled off a message.
Select names: thewatchmaker, soundandlight, emtallnightlong, dnamidnightcowboy, frozennuclearburrito
Message: From mindmatters - My place, 6pm, come ready. Love you!
Send to all?
Matt pressed Send.
Emma was blushing, Peter was holding her hand and trying to look casual, Gabriel was looking oddly clueless, Mohinder was growing more horrified with the dawning realization of what was going to happen, and Luke was just grinning his head off.
“It’s the easiest way,” Matt was saying. “Everyone needed to see me today. So… everyone gets to. I think it’ll help everyone. And you can all believe me when I say I know you, and I think you’ll like it.”
Gabriel’s mouth dropped open, Mohinder’s horror suddenly transmuted into the expression he wore when he’d just discovered something earthshattering, Peter looked nervous, because Emma was clearly shocked but also flushing with embarrassed want, and Luke… Luke was already naked.
Emma was clearly thinking, You’re serious? in Matt’s direction, but then she stole a glance over at the decided unclothed Luke, and blushed again. She exchanged a brief glance with Peter, and they both nodded slightly, smiling with each other.
“Everyone gets everyone,” Matt explained persuasively. “I’ll show you what everyone needs, and then you’ll all help me. Easy, right?”
“Hell. Yes,” Luke declared loudly.
“Yes, Luke, we already have your vote. Thank you,” Gabriel said with deceptive mildness.
“And I think you’ll be the one we’re starting with, considering what you told me you were up to last night. You know damn well you aren’t supposed to go to frat parties,” Matt added.
“See? No time wasted with a mind reader. Wham, bam, explanations done, and then straight to the fu-.”
Gabriel telekinetically shut Luke’s mouth for him, earning looks of undying gratitude from everyone else in the room. Matt closed his eyes for a second and tried a different tactic to bring everyone in on the same level.
“Guys?” Matt prompted, verbally and mentally, putting every ounce of sincerity he could into his mind and voice. “It’s me, all right? Give me a hand. I want to help you all, I really do.”
Glances bounced around the room five ways there and back again while Matt held his breath in anticipation. What he finally read in everyone’s mind made him smile thoughtfully.
Gabriel had more control than he gave himself credit for, and Luke was panting and writhing as he slowly figured that out. With a few whispered suggestions, Gabriel was pushing Luke higher, and higher; first one way, then another, changing tactics every few minutes so Luke couldn’t guess what was going to happen to him. He just had to trust, and believe, like he did with Matt.
Gabriel also had to hold control against Mohinder’s attentions, sighing into Luke’s skin and groaning deep in his chest as Mohinder wrapped himself around him. This was live entertainment at its finest, and the furthest from any experiment or lab that Mohinder could possibly be. The more debauched it was, the better it’d be for him, and the sinful sights and sound of Gabriel and Luke responding to Mohinder’s intimate attention had him anchored securely in the real world.
Matt sent a wordless wave of encouragement to the guys as he turned his attention to Emma and Peter, lying nearby on the mattress. She was watching everything with wide and fascinated eyes; whatever the sounds of sex looked like to her ability had to be pretty spectacular, because she looked completely entranced. Peter kissed down her neck, his hands stroking down her ribs and cupping her breasts with infinite gentleness. Matt reached into help, eyes fluttering at how both Emma and Peter arched into his touch.
He opened his mind up so Emma could hear, and pulled Peter back a little so he could join in together, hands now slick to ease their passage, fingers fumbling for the necessary condoms, briefly touching Mohinder’s hand as they searched through the box Matt had put within easy reach. Matt reached out again mentally and opened himself fully, hearing gasps coming from everyone’s throat as they felt him touching them with mental fingers, pouring wordless encouragement and love into them.
Peter groaned as Matt sank into his heat slowly, and Emma whispered something unintelligible as Peter entered her. As strange as this was, it was as sweet and “normal” as Peter and Emma ever got, and Matt smiled into the skin of Peter’s neck as they pushed together. Gabriel and Luke’s cries were combining with Peter and Emma’s, and Matt wanted to hear them all together.
“Closer, everyone,” Matt said, and reached out one stray hand and a dozen hopeful thoughts. With one hand on their partners, everyone reached out their other to the closest body, pulling and stroking and caressing with curiosity and joy. Luke’s pushed his fingers into Peter’s crooked mouth, Gabriel gently smoothed his thumb over Emma’s nipple, Mohinder gripped Matt’s shoulder for dear life as Peter stroked Mohinder for all he was worth. Emma cupped her hand around Luke’s face as Matt protectively curled one hand over Gabriel’s hip. It was like a chain reaction when Mohinder cried out in ecstasy, Matt’s connection to them all rushed the blaze of pleasure through every mind and body, setting off an intimate chorus of surprised cries and tensed muscles. The peak broke through all of them for long, glorious minutes, leaving them exhausted and collapsed on the mattress.
They all collapsed together in warmth, a satisfied, indeterminate pile of limbs clinging to each other to keep them on Matt’s bed. It took long minutes before anyone could speak again, Peter squirming up from the depths of the bed to look over the carpet of lovers.
“We need to do this more often,” he opined, looking down at a sleepy-eyed Emma.
From somewhere under Gabriel, Luke started giggling, Mohinder turned over to raise an eyebrow of agreement, Emma waved her hand in acknowledgement, Gabriel grunted something that may have been a yes, and Matt smiled. He stretched out his arms to hug his friends to him.
“We will,” he said, and began to happily plan for next Saturday.