Private Show

Jul 30, 2009 09:45

Title: Private Show
Author: jaune_chat
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Sylar/Luke, Claire, Monica, Elle, mentions of others
Rating: NC-17 for sex
Word Count: 3,649
Spoilers: If you know who Sylar and Luke are, you’re good.
Warnings: Slash, rutting, some voyeurism, Stripper!AU
Disclaimer: Heroes is owned by Tim Kring, NBC, et al.
Notes: This is an ( Read more... )

sylar/luke, fic, luke campbell, sylar, slash, stripper!au, heroes

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Comments 15

perdiccas July 30 2009, 15:36:29 UTC
*thunderous applause*

Well now, this was the best show in the house for sure! Luke's gigantic dick = massive (pun intended) amounts of win! This was incredibly sexy and I love all the characters you managed to work in. (Nate the Great? Hee! Mohinder on a stripper pole? *drool*)

The girls in charge was simply awesome. Srsly, bouncer!Monica is too brilliant for words. And I can die happy now that you've given me the delicious mental image of Luke nuzzling in Gabriel's chest hair.

To quote Elle: "I'll be in my bunk!"

Thank you!!!!!!!!! ♥


jaune_chat July 30 2009, 21:42:52 UTC
I'm not sure why I wanted Luke to have a massive dick, but it amused me to do so. So I did it. Huzzah!

Hee hee, the other characters sort of wandering in and out of the background made me laugh too while I was writing it. It was as if my brain was piping up going, "And we can make it just that much more ridiculous if we add this person..."

I thought I remembered you having a kink for the body hair, so I wanted to toss the chest-nuzzling scene in just for you, especial.

Glad I was able to please Ms. CEO!


aurilly July 30 2009, 15:51:44 UTC
My favorite thing about this were all the other characters, weirdly enough. Peter does this ‘little lost boy’ thing that brings out the mamma in everyone had me ROLLING. As did Nate the Great. GOD, I love Nathan. And Ando-bicep love, FTW! That whole paragraph was gold. And Luke was completely adorable, all shy and wanting to play in the big leagues. And MONICA! This was like a montage of great characters all having a bit in the background. SO much fun. :)


jaune_chat July 30 2009, 21:39:50 UTC
It was hecka fun being able to bring in whatever names I wanted to fill out the rest of the world. And thinking up appropriate routines for the rest of the strippers made for some great giggletimes in the Jaune Chat household.

Glad you liked it, and thanks for commenting!


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jaune_chat July 30 2009, 21:38:07 UTC
Hee hee! Using Nathan as the "bad example" made me giggle. He's such a slut. I'm glad you liked my use of Claire as the manager; she seemed like the most appropriate woman to give Luke a schooling, and not "accidentally" have sex with him at the same time. (Elle, I'm looking at you.)

Thanks for commenting!


bloody_beary July 30 2009, 21:28:31 UTC
This is such a lovely AU!!! I love that Lyle is kept in reserve!! (I kinda forgot what it means to be a cougar though XD , I don't know if that's better or worse for him!!) Such a pretty fic!!!


jaune_chat July 30 2009, 21:34:45 UTC
Bloody Beary - A cougar is an older woman who prefers younger men. So... it's kinda better for Lyle, I guess. ;)

Glad you liked it!


speccygeekgrrl July 31 2009, 06:01:34 UTC
BRILLIANT doesn't even begin to cover it. xD I love how you worked so many of them in (lol Ando the muscle man) and Luke's flustered routine and MMNPH, hello Gabriel.

I'll be in Elle's my bunk, too. xD


jaune_chat July 31 2009, 11:43:45 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you like it! Yeah... Ando the muscle man. Ever since I saw a picture of James Kyson Lee without a shirt... Yowza! Seriously, why doesn't the show capitalize on that muscled magnificence? Nearly every other Heroes male has been shirtless at one time or another!

Ah-hem, yes, thanks for commenting Speccy!


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