
Feb 25, 2009 02:19

Title: Dream
Author: jaune_chat
Pairing: Adam/Angela
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,839
Spoilers: General S3 spoilers
Warnings: Bit of dubcon
Disclaimer Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC et al.
Author’s Notes: Takes place well before S1. Thanks to brighteyed_jill for the beta. Written for soda_and_capes for the 2009 Valentine’s Day heroes_exchange.
Summary: Adam wants to know what Angela dreamt ( Read more... )

adam monroe, fic, het, angela petrelli, angela/adam, heroes

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Comments 4

kathrynthegr8 June 14 2009, 13:41:05 UTC
I've always thought that there was something between Angela and Adam. The show just hinted at it enough to make me wish we'd seen more of them interacting.

This fic is completely believable and fits so well with the show's canon.

I loved this bit:

Perpetual youth, perpetual anger, and whatever had driven him to just keep going this long had given Adam a magnetic intensity when he chose to exert it. He had no telepathy, no prophetic dreams, but, when he chose, he could show every year of his experience in his eyes, a sight that made most people go weak in the knees.

I've never read a better description of Adam's charisma in fanfic! And your Angela is pitch perfect. Complicated and powerful, but still wanting to rpotect her children and further her own causes.



jaune_chat June 14 2009, 20:51:45 UTC
I'm so very glad you like it! Angela and Adam have a lot in common, down to their world views and beliefs, and they must have been spectacular together in the Company's heyday.

Thank you for commenting! Your praise is well-appreciated! :-)


superkappa June 14 2009, 23:43:57 UTC
This was a wonderful slice of something I always wanted to see more of: the lives of the founders before the kidlets were all born. I really loved the characterizations in this. This really made me think of just how alike Adam and Angela are. I never thought of it much before, but they really do have similar views of the world.

Yes, Angela felt she owed Adam for bringing the Company together in the first place. For showing them how they could change the world, together.

That did not stop her from considering him an arrogant bastard.

I especially loved that because it just seemed like such an Angela thing to think, if that makes any sense at all. I hope it does. I love what you did with both of them in this, and now I kind of want to look to see if there's any more Angela/Adam fic out there. Because if there's anyone who could match Angela in badassness, I'm pretty sure it's Adam.


jaune_chat June 15 2009, 02:50:45 UTC
I'm so pleased you liked it! I have occasionally wondered what the Company's early days are like, and it's sort of fun to explore that. I'm very glad you liked my characterizations, it means a lot to me. Thank you for commenting!


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