Title: Ignus Draconum Mechanus (or The Things We Build Inside)
desiderii Fandom(s): Original
Characters/Pairings: n/a
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12,013
Warnings/Spoilers: Post-apocalyptic scenarios, violence
Summary: In a far future, where everything is dissolving, a group of survivors is creating a way to escape. Or maybe, just maybe, it's making itself...
Author’s Notes: This was inspired by a song,
On the Rooftop with Quasimodo by Apocalyptica. Thanks to
boudecia7 for betaing!
Link(s) to Story Master Post/Chapters:
LiveJournal Chapter 1,
LiveJournal Chapter 2 Link(s) to Art Master Post(s):
Desiderri's Lovely Art