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Comments 5

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jaune_chat February 1 2012, 21:54:55 UTC
It took quite a lot of thought to write that one, and I'm glad it came out all right. It's a tough subject. Glad you liked it!


sher1663 February 1 2012, 19:46:20 UTC
2nd Grimm/SPN crossover I've read. Nice job. Plus I love Monroe! It totally sucks that Supernatural, Grimm and Fringe are all on Friday at the same time. Sorry, but Supernatural wins always. If I only had a DVR.


jaune_chat February 1 2012, 21:56:05 UTC
Monroe gets all the good lines, really. :D I have TiVO, but it can only handle two shows at once. Thank goodness for Hulu!


zevbaldwin March 3 2012, 10:50:13 UTC
Moriarty + Cruella DeVille!!! Yes, that`s perfect!


jaune_chat March 6 2012, 10:37:18 UTC
Hee! Glad you liked it!


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