Five Acts Meme!

Jan 08, 2011 08:25

It's that time of year again, that time of year where we post the links to our kinks and write porn for each other! And who doesn't love that? The lovely toestastegood is keeping the master list of people (and various other helpful links to kinks) over here: Five Acts Meme.

My top five kinks at present (in no particular order):

1. Power Play - Dominance and/or submission, bondage, different ranks or social positions, a special ability, bringing a little extra edge to the bedroom to see who does (or doesn't) wear the pants!

2. Urgency for sex - Gotta have it, gotta have it all right now! Uncontrollable desire, sex pollen, the people just have to to the horizontal (or possibly vertical) tango right the heck now!

3. Alternate Universes - Throw the modern guys into a medieval setting or a futeristic one, swap time periods, have everyone be a cat, blow up the world, put everyone on a sports team or in a coffee shop or a hospital, have a zombie apocalypse, vampires and werewolves and demons, just shake things up in a big way and have the dynamics play out sexily.

4. Multiple orgasms - Once you pop, you just can't stop. The fun just keeps on coming. And coming. And coming.

5. Fuck-or-die - Aliens made them do it, have to complete an obscure ritual, illnesses with strange cures, needful to share body heat, at gunpoint, just do it!


Supernatural: Dean/Sam, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Ruby, Dean/Anna, Dean/Sam/Castiel, Sam/Madison, Pam/Jo, or some variation on the above, including threesomes or moresomes!
Heroes: (I like virtually everything about Heroes, but here are a few faves) Nathan/Peter, Noah/Nathan, Sylar/Peter, Adam/Monica, Adam/Peter, Elle/Sylar, Sylar/Claire, Sylar/Luke, Matt/Mohinder, and anyone else you like in threesomes or moresomes!
Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, or Jack/damn near anyone. Seriously. It's Captain Jack.
Star Trek reboot: Any pairing really. They're all pretty awesome. Mirror verse rocks too. Special faves are Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura.
Sherlock (BBC): Sherlock/John
Crossovers: Parker (Leverage)/Elle (Heroes)

kink meme, meme

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