I think you are perfect.

Oct 27, 2008 00:42

I never thought that they would get to the ~baby~ thing at all this season because they've been putting it off forever, but not only did they talk about it, Pete told her HE LOVED HER and he wanted to be with her.

How amazing does his hand look here?

Was Pete holding his gun at the end? He better not off himself or something. :\ Oh and I loved how he can't drive. It's adorable.

Father Gill creeps me out with his hell talk.

Betty finally got some! Was it just me or was she going to tell Don that she slept with some guy but then changed her mind and told him she was pregnant instead?

I didn't notice his ring during my first watch.

Everything was just perfect in this episode. I loved how Pete told Don about the merger. Don was so badass with "I don't have a contract" and then just leaving.

OK bedtime.

If you want more caps, I posted some (89ish) over at tv_caps

picspam: mad men, tv: be don draper

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