100 Movies in 2008

Jan 01, 2008 17:43

I watched 135 movies last year!

Rules and Guidelines:

1. I watch 100 movies or more in 2008.
2. I keep track of how many I watch in this post.
3. I only record first-time movies.
4. I leave the entry public. If you want to recommend any movies to me, go for it.

January )

film: list, misc: list, 2008

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Comments 9

ratzcrackers January 2 2008, 07:23:57 UTC
Interesting. I think I'm going to do this meme.


short_chicka10 January 4 2008, 07:23:19 UTC
Yay for watching more then 100 movies last year!

I kind of want to do this meme this year now.


jaune January 4 2008, 22:50:04 UTC
You should! :)


short_chicka10 January 5 2008, 03:04:32 UTC
lol, anyways, I've been on a French movie kick lately... so I recommend A Very Long Engagement and Amelie. Have you seen those yet? If not, you should! :]


jaune January 5 2008, 03:07:42 UTC
Yes I've seen Amelie. A Very Long Engagement has always been on my to watch list but I've never gotten around to it. This year I will for sure! :D


sshortstory April 16 2008, 08:06:49 UTC
Have you seen August Rush? I love that! Although I also love Into The Wild, and you've given that a C so I don't know! However I didn't think The Messengers was very good either. You seem to be making your way through Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson movies like me :) My movie list is here but not as well organised as yours!


jaune April 16 2008, 15:42:52 UTC
No I haven't seen August Rush yet, I'll definitely watch it.

Into the Wild was too long for me, idk I have this thing with long movies. I think I have a short attention span where if it doesn't captivate me in the first half hour I tend not to like it. :P But I loved Kristen in it.

I am trying to watch most of Kristen's movies. I have Catch That Kid but I don't think I'm going to watch it. I want to watch Zathura.


aliice January 1 2009, 16:25:51 UTC
omggggg 188 movies. holy shit.

and i totally agree... american dreamz - total waste of my time.


jaune January 1 2009, 16:28:05 UTC
LOL I still didn't beat my sister who watched 235 movies this year!

I was in a Hugh Grant mood and decided to watch a movie I hadn't seen of his. It was so bad. D:


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