For Science!

Oct 07, 2010 03:48

Title: For Science!
Author: jaune_chat
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Mohinder/Elle
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 799
Spoilers: Vague S2
Warnings: Implied drunken shenanigans
Disclaimer: Heroes is owned by Tim Kring, NBC, et al.
Notes: Written for aurilly’s Five Acts Meme.
Summary: Mohinder has a night out. With Elle. This is the aftermath. He tries to deal with it scientifically.

"Morning, sunshine!" Elle chirped.

Mohinder pried open one eye, saw Elle above him, framed by a halo of unnecessarily bright light, and closed it again. His head was pounding, his mouth felt sticky, and he ached all over. Dealing with her at this hour of the morning was just not going to happen-.

A few minutes later, a few relevant, indisputable facts penetrated Mohinder's brain:

1. Elle hadn't been wearing any clothes in that split-second glimpse he'd gotten.
2. He was not wearing any clothes either.
3. That solid warmth beside him was from a body, not sunlight.
4. The last time he'd had a hangover like this was after Bristol City won a rather exciting match and he'd been plied with far too many pints of beer.
5. His hands were sticky, as was his pelvis, and his mouth, with a faint tang that was not beer.
6. The ache in his flesh was the same kind of ache he'd had after a particularly lively evening with an enthusiastic lover.
7. Elle had been trying to get him into the same bed for the past four months they'd been working together.

Mohinder considered getting worked up about the whole situation. He could have an adrenaline surge (which would wake him up far more effectively than any cup of tea), leap out of bed in a horrified fashion, quickly clean himself and get dressed, and get in the car before Elle could continue last night's athletic endeavors.

Or he could not do that. After all, he still had to travel another five hundred miles in a car with her.

Of the two hypothetical outcomes to this experiment, one suggested short term dignity would be followed by long-term pain and embarrassment. The other suggested short-term embarrassment would lead to long-term pleasure and pain.

Sober data collection would be needed before a proper conclusion would be reached.

Mohinder opened his eyes again cautiously and saw Elle leaning over him, her long hair cutting out the bright sunlight and shielding him from the glare.

"You're really cooperative when you're drunk," Elle said, giggling.

"Ah," Mohinder said intelligently, shifting slightly to feel her thighs braced against his hips.

"I mean, wow," she added, leaning down to kiss him hard, little sparks jumping between them. Her fingers threaded through his hair, waking faints ghosts of sensation from the night before. Mohinder shifted again and felt another faint ache deeper in his body. A blush touched his cheeks as he had a fragmented memory of Elle tugging on his hair and urging him to move faster as she pounded him from behind.

"Well, I'm glad I-," Mohinder stammered. His blushes didn't stop as he felt his body stirring in blissful remembrance.

"And that mouth of yours, I mean, damn. Surprised we didn't get people pounding on the walls!" Elle said, her hands sliding down his shoulders. Mohinder licked his lips as he remembered Elle's thighs clamping around his head, her own thrown back as she shrieked in ecstasy as his tongue caressed her folds.

"If I'd had any idea how good you were with those hands, I'd have jumped you a loooooong time ago," Elle sighed, sitting up and squirming against him deliciously. His hands went to her hips as he recalled stroking her clit gently as she rode him, pushing her to shout his name as he lost himself in her, sparks dancing all over his skin as she came.

"I swear, I thought you knew what Long Island Iced Tea was. I've never seen anyone down five in a row!" Elle said, leaning over to the nightstand for a condom. Mohinder looked over too and nearly fainted when he saw she'd bought a rather large box. And it was half empty.

"The single room was mostly a mistake. I swear! You were just so sleepy that I thought you'd like a really nice bed and all they had was the single king and-."

"Elle," Mohinder said warningly.

She laughed. "Well, I wanted to be comfortable too!"

Mohinder blinked as a few more memories came into focus. A bar. Dancing. Techno music. Dear lord, he'd left his shirt on the rafters at the club... Elle dragging him to a hotel and then-.

"I'm afraid I don't remember that much," Mohinder confessed, scientific embarrassment warring with some subtle motions Elle was making with her hips.

"I'll help you remember. For science, and all that," she suggested. Another blue zap of electricity tingled over his skin almost playfully.

Data acquisition could take a long time, particularly if you wanted to come to an accurate conclusion. And short-term embarrassment would be better in the long run, if he could handle the rigorous experimentation methods.

"For science," Mohinder agreed enthusiastically, and touched his lips to his research partner's.

fic, het, mohinder suresh, elle bishop, heroes

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