Stop - Chapter 6, Happy Birthday

Feb 22, 2010 20:34

Title: Stop, Chapter 6, Happy Birthday
Author: jaune_chat
Fandom: Sky High
Characters/Pairing: Warren/Will
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,837
Spoilers: All of the film
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: Sky High is owned by Disney. I make no money.
Notes: This was the first story where I attempted to do an actual romantic relationship. With boys. I’m sorta working without a net, so lemme know if anything can make this better!
Summary: The parents have a long-overdue conversation, while Will and Warren make a few good memories.

There was a knock at the door just as Will, newly cleaned, was pulling on the last of his clothes. He froze, looking like he’d just committed a major crime, as Warren answered the knock. Will almost shouted out a warning as the door opened to reveal Joy Peace, Warren’s mother.

“So,” she said in greeting, regarding them both without a blush, “I take it it’s hit the fan?”

“Yeah, pretty much. You heard about school today?” Warren asked. Joy nodded, her expression somewhere between amusement and exasperation.

“I just got a call from Josie Stronghold, after she’d just gotten a call from her husband. She’s on her way home, and us parents are going to have a discussion about all of this.”

Will swallowed hard, looking panicked, and Joy looked sympathetic.

“I’m on your side, Will,” she said softly. “But I need to talk with you two about a few things. Warren, I need…”

Joy’s voice trailed off as she whispered something in Warren’s ear. He looked surprised, even shocked, but nodded once firmly and said, “You know I do.”

“Will,” she said, turning to him. “I need your permission to tell your parents how you feel about Warren.”

“Will it make a difference?” Will asked, torn between hope and despair. His dad had been so disapproving…

“Yes,” Joy said simply. Will’s confused expression begged for an explanation. “Your parents need to realized that there’s more than hormones keeping you two together. I’m an empath Will; for me, knowing people’s emotional state is like seeing color. It’s just there, and I can’t not know it. But I’m only going to tell them what you want me to say.”

Will steeled himself, sucking in a large breath to gather his courage before he spoke.

“I love him,” Will said quickly, looking straight at Warren. The simple declaration seemed to heat the air between them, and Warren pulled Will into a prolonged kiss. A very prolonged kiss. So prolonged that Joy had to clear her throat to remind them that she was there.

Will pulled back, flushed with both passion and embarrassment.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“Dearheart, there was a time that I loved Warren’s father. I still do, in a way, and I remember what he was like.”

That statement could have come off as creepy and incestuous, but for some reason it didn’t. Maybe Joy was using her powers so there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings. There’d already been enough of those tonight. Joy sighed a bit and shook her head.

“You and I should head over to your house Will. I’ll talk to your parents there, but it’s going to be an ‘adults only’ talk, ok? I know you know your own house enough to easily eavesdrop wherever we end up talking, so instead I’m going to ask you please not do that, out of respect for your parents.”

Will thought about the verbal fireworks that were about to ensue, and nodded quickly. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know what they were going to talk about.

“I promise you, I’m going to do what I can to help your parents understand what’s going on. But I can’t promise you that they’ll both come around. The best I can do is get a truce,” she said, her gaze frank and sympathetic.

“Thank you,” Will said fervently.


A little more than a half-hour later, Joy Peace was sitting in the Strongholds’ den, facing Steve and Josie across the coffee table, and feeling like she was facing one of many militant leaders she had faced down over the years. Before her husband had gone crazy, she’d helped negotiate dozens of truces and cease-fires from very angry men, but it was a decidedly unpleasant feeling to get that same vibe from fellow superheroes. Particularly the same superheroes that had done her the heartbreaking favor of stopping her husband when she couldn’t.

“Steve, Josie, I think we need to have a long discussion about our sons,” Joy opened, wanting to see how Will’s parents would react. Josie was more shocked than angry, but Steve was nearly volcanic with a tangle of anger and shame.

“That’s for damn sure! You keep Warren out of our house-.”

“Steve! Remember what you promised,” Josie interrupted quickly.

Steve turned red and set his jaw to keep himself from ranting, but kept glaring at Joy.

“What is it that’s bothering you more Steve?” Joy asked softly. “Is it the dating or the sex?”

Her bluntness seemed to rock both the Strongholds, but Joy wanted to get this out in the open. She needed them to confront this sooner rather than later, before their opinions had a chance to solidify.

Steve turned red, but was clearly striving to control his temper.

“Both,” he gritted finally.

“What’s bothering you more?” Joy asked insistently.

Steve looked so angry he couldn’t even answer, but finally sighed explosively. “Both,” he repeated stubbornly. “Will’s younger, he’s not sure of what he wants yet. Warren’s gotten him all twisted around so he doesn’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. And Warren is- has- he’s-.”

“Steve, let me tell you a little something about my son and I. Warren knows, first hand, how misplaced love can hurt someone. He knows that Baron and I got married right out of high school, and that I never dated anyone other than him. He knows that I was so afraid of losing Baron, and so frightened of what he’d become, that I had to ask other people to arrest him. He knows that walking into love blind can kill you. He knows my inexperience made me vulnerable to Baron’s manipulations, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had him to think about, I might have gone down with Baron.

“So Warren has set out to make sure he knows exactly what he wants, so that he knows how to recognize people that could be bad for him. He never wants to make my mistakes, because he knows with his powers his mistakes could be deadly. I’ve tolerated Warren’s experiments only because he has been totally honest and safe with all of his partners. But until recently, he had never fallen in love.”

“Love-!” Steve sputtered, and then subsided as Josie’s restraining hand on his arm.

“He never trusted anyone enough to open himself up for love. Not until Will. And I believe Will reciprocates his feelings.”

“But that’s- that’s just not right!”

“Do you think this world is so perfect that we can afford to let love flourish only where you think it’s proper?” Joy asked, steel in her voice.

Steve had the grace to blush, as did Josie, to a lesser extent.

“Is it because it’s in the Bible?” Joy asked carefully. Most superheroes who believed in a higher power did so on their own terms, but childhood experiences were the bedrock of belief. People could discover prejudices they didn’t know they had in the face of a crisis.

“It’s just how I grew up,” Steve said, knowing he was being cornered, and not liking it one bit.

“We’re all victims of our childhoods.”

“But Will’s still a kid! He’s not even sixteen yet. How can he really know if this is what he wants?” Steve asked.

“You can’t have it both ways Steve. We’re superheroes, and so are both of our sons. You’re expecting Will to become a full-fledged hero in a few short years. It was about this time last year when your not-quite-fifteen-year-old-son and his friends saved your lives, as well as everyone at Sky High. He can’t be an ignorant child and a responsible superhero at the same time,” Joy said, spreading her hands as he clearly made an effort to work through this.

As the Commander, Steven Stronghold was proud. As a father, he carried that pride with him. Joy could tell he saw Will’s relationship with Warren as a failure in raising his son. Manly men like Steven didn’t, shouldn’t, raise their sons “right” and have them turn out to be gay. Will’s apparent about-face was a threat to Steve’s masculine identity, and to everything about his life.

Joy knew that, and knew it would be hard for him to hear it in words. So she used feelings. She used her powers to insinuate a thread of calm between him and the tangle of anger, panic, and shame, giving him a moment of clarity to think.

“Will is a wonderful young man, and you two have raised him very well. He’s had you two as an example of what a good relationship should have: loyalty, respect, trust, affection, equality, and love. He wouldn’t settle for anything less. This isn’t an infatuation,” Joy said, reassuring them on that front. The whole debacle with Gwen had to have been on their minds, and she wanted them to know this wasn’t a repeat of first-crush puppy love.

“Steve, Josie, believe me, I spend all my working hours surrounded by people who are feeling angry, saddened, enraged, or betrayed. I help them find calmness and peace; that’s my job. I know what real love feels like, compared to all that.”

“Ok, so they’re in love,” Steve said sharply, jerking his head in a wrench of concession. “But Warren’s eighteen, and Will’s still underage-.”

“How old were you when you lost your virginity Steve?” Joy broke in, giving him a frank gaze. The Sky High Cassanova (before he’d met Josie) did not get to dictate the morality of consensual underage sex with her.

Steve clamped his mouth shut again briefly, a flush spreading across his face. “Ok, fine, but Warren must have talked him into-.”

Joy cut him off again. If she gave the man any momentum, he’d erupt like a volcano. Right now all she was doing was punching vents in the cauldera to let off the pressure. If she did this right, he’d never reach critical mass.

“They can’t hurt each other. Warren would have never asked if he wasn’t certain about Will first. Believe me.”

There was a long moment of silence as the Strongholds digested that. Josie, Joy knew, had as many concerns as Steve, but unlike her husband, she had realized that yelling wouldn’t solve a thing. Joy would have to deal with her later, over coffee, but now she had to help Steve come to some kind of terms with himself. Before the Stronghold Three became permanently fractured.

“Steve, for the second time in your life you’re ashamed of your son, angry at him for not being ‘normal’ and now ashamed and angry at yourself for feeling that way about him. This time you know he’s not going to ‘grow out of it.’ You love him, but what he is goes against what you were raised to believe.”

Steve stared at her, startled and shocked, clearly feeling very vulnerable.

Joy smiled sadly in sympathy. It had taken her the better part of ten years to get over her husband’s betrayal, but she had since returned to her old job; organizing treaties and solving disputes between all sorts of people. Countries, factions of countries, organizations, and whoever else needed help. And that included counseling superheroes.

In the normal world, she wouldn’t have been so blunt, so forthright to a client. She would have given him time, let him talk through his feelings, let him see things for himself. She would have made him talk to Will, ask him about his feelings on his own, and then have him learn to deal with them over a period of time.

But this was not the normal world. People as powerful as the Commander couldn’t be riddled with shame and anger when they were fighting supervillains. They couldn’t be weighted down with self-doubt when citizens’ lives were on the line. People with the ability to break Mt. Everest in half couldn’t be angry with their children’s friends.

Though Joy’s powers were sensing and projecting emotion, she used as little of it here as she could get away with. Changing someone’s feelings was a tricky business, and could sometimes do more harm than good. Giving Steve enough calm to see past the shame, and subtly pushing the good qualities of Will into the forefront of his mind helped temper his anger.

Finally Steven Stronghold sighed extravagantly.

“I still don’t like it,” he said in a much more reasonable tone.

“I’m not asking you to. But I think asking you to not treat Will, or Warren, like they’re doing this to personally anger you isn’t too much to ask.”

Steve nodded very slowly, and Josie smiled at him encouragingly.

“You still love your son, don’t you?” Joy prodded.

“Of course!” he nearly barked.

“Then tell him. Or Will’s going to think you hate him,” Joy insisted. Looking as rebellious as a teenager, Steve stomped upstairs, leaving Joy and Josie alone.

Josie quickly flung herself at Joy, eyes wet, and cried a few years of frustration into her friend’s embrace.

“How are you doing, dear?” Joy asked, giving her a hard hug before pulling back to look her in the face.

“All right, I think,” Joy said, grabbing a tissue to wipe her eyes dry. “Steve was just so angry…”

“What are you feeling about this?” Joy asked, wanting to hear Josie’s own words.

“It’s… it’s not what I would have wished for?” Josie said tentatively, her tone turning inquisitive as she tried to put it into words. “Of all the things that I thought I’d have to deal with as a parent-.”

“This was never on the radar?” Joy finished.

Josie nodded. “Especially with him going out with Layla for so long. I couldn’t really understand how things had gone wrong with those two.”

Joy smiled in understanding. “Will was probably thinking the same thing. He’s as anxious as you are. He was planning to go the expected route too, you realize.”

Josie gave a startled little laugh. “But then why did he decide…?”

“Choice doesn’t always have a lot to do with it. Some people are attracted to anyone they consider attractive, no matter their gender. Others fall in love, and if the love of their life happens to have been born into the same sex body as them…”

“But Will knew Warren for over a year. What changed for both of them?” Josie asked.

“Let me see if I can explain a little… Say you’ve driven past a certain restaurant, say a Chinese place, every day for a year. You’ve never had the occasion to go in there, but it’s a comfortable local landmark that you’re very familiar with. One day, a friend says they want some Chinese food. You happen to know a place that serves it, so you take them to that restaurant. Then you discover that the food there is the best you’ve ever had in your life, and becomes your favorite place.

“Will and Warren didn’t know what was in front of them until their circumstances changed. Layla told me it was something she suggested, actually. She wanted Warren to give Will some make-out tips.”

“Oh… oh my!” Josie said, startled, and then giggled like a girl. “I’m sorry, I mean, poor Layla, it’s not really funny for her but-.”

“It’s still damn funny,” Joy added. “The girl isn’t having the easiest time of it, but she has a big heart, and she’s standing by both of our boys. If she can forgive both of them, then I hope Steve can too, in time.”


Will had expected the confrontation with his father to be more dramatic, possibly involving a high-decibel shouting match, and maybe destroying two or three city blocks. He hadn’t expected it to involve his father calmly knocking at his door, and then standing in the doorway, staring at Will like he was something he’d just discovered in a foreign land.

“Will, I-,” he started, and then swallowed hard. “It’s-. You’re still my son Will.”

Will stumbled forward to give his dad a very stiff and awkward hug. For now, it was a truce, and that was the first step for both of them.


One week later…

Will tapped very lightly on the French doors to the den, stomach already starting to churn in nervousness. It had only been a week since he’d confronted his dad about Warren, and already he was back to ask for the impossible. To say that things had been strained would have been a gross understatement. While Will’s dad had kept quiet about the whole thing, he was almost too quiet.

Trying to talk about school was awkward, because every time Will mentioned Warren, Steve Stronghold clamped his jaw shut and stared in icy silence. Josie tried to keep up normal conversation, and Will was excruciatingly careful to only mention the most innocuous of lunchroom talk, classroom lessons, or after-school goofing off. If Warren’s name never came up, Will could almost pretend things were back to normal.

But the second he mentioned his boyfriend’s name, the temperature on his dad’s side of the room plummeted. It was depressing, and despite the fact that this would cause more of the same, Will had to ask. He was tired of being treated like an outcast in his own house.

His parents looked up as Will knocked, and his mother waved him in, smiling tentatively.

“Hey Mom, Dad, um, about my birthday…?” he opened tentatively.

Months ago Will’s parents had told him he could do anything he wanted (within reason) for his sixteenth birthday. And, if he kept his grades up and got at least a B in Driver’s Ed, they would get him a car. Even though Will could fly, he had been really looking forward to the car. The car was a real symbol of independence, not to mention he could finally take all of his friends with him when they went places after school.

But… Will and his dad were supposed to go to the car dealership last week to look at vehicles. That hadn’t happened. Will got the impression it might never happen. He could probably insist on it, his parents had included an “oh, and don’t be gay” clause in that agreement, but Will didn’t want to push them.

So he wouldn’t ask for the coveted car. He wouldn’t ask for a party at one of the teen nightclubs. He’d only ask for the sun and the moon and the stars.

“Yes dear? What did you decide?” his mom asked.

Will’s dad suddenly looked hopeful, and Will swallowed bile. Steven Stronghold wasn’t being purposefully cruel, but he just wanted things to go back to normal. And if buying Will an extravagant car and an elaborate party would make him straight again, Steve would pay. Will didn’t want to be bribed. He wanted to be able to talk with his dad like he used to, but he wouldn’t, couldn’t just ‘change himself back.’

“I wanted to go out for pizza at the Pizza Pit with my friends on Friday,” Will said. His parents blinked, a little surprised at the very modest request. Will took another deep breath and forged ahead. “And Warren invited me to stay over, afterwards.”

Color rose in Steve’s face, but he was clearly reining back saying anything he was going to regret. His jaw worked a few times, and he finally turned to Josie.

“Just as long as you’re home by noon on Saturday,” she said with a tentative little smile.

Will goggled at them both. He’d set his expectations very low and had still expected to be disappointed. He couldn’t believe his parents had just knowingly sanctioned a date with his boyfriend. He wondered what they’d been talking about with Warren’s mom while he’d been at school…


Friday night

The back room at Pizza Pit was loud with a half-dozen superheroes-in-training managing to fill it to the rafters. A half-dozen pizzas and pitchers of pop were scattered about the table, and some breadsticks were currently being used for emphasis as Zack was finishing up the world’s longest joke to uproarious laughter to all.

“What’s up with you? You usually have eaten a whole pizza by now,” Will asked Warren as they both wound down. Most powerful superheroes, particularly those with energy-based powers like Warren’s, needed a lot of fuel for their fires, so to speak.

“Na, I’m good,” Warren said casually, and laid his arm over Will’s shoulders. Leaning in and letting his hair swing down to cover his mouth, he whispered directly into Will’s ear. “Besides, I’m going to suck you dry tonight.”

What blood didn’t immediately flood Will’s groin at that statement was busy making his face turn tomato red.

His friends couldn’t quite help but notice the effect Warren had on him. Magenta looked smug, Zack looked confused and then amused, Ethan was pretending he didn’t notice and succeeding, and Layla was pretending she didn’t notice and was failing miserably. Will immediately felt guilty, and struggled to get himself under control. Layla had been nothing but supportive, but even Will could tell she was suffering. He decided to cool the PDA as much as he could.

Striving to cool his blushes, he raised up the miniature apple tree Layla had given him for his birthday as a kind of toast, and smiled at all of his friends. This was the first night for over a week that he’d felt anywhere close to normal.


An hour later, Pizza Pit parking lot

“How in hell did you get your dad to let you stay out with me tonight?” Warren asked.

“Really, I don’t know,” Will replied honestly. “I think Mom convinced him somehow.”

He didn’t want to think about his parents tonight. He really didn’t. He didn’t want to have to explain about his dad shutting him out or his mom desperately trying to be supportive, or anything else. It was his sixteenth birthday, damn it, and Will just wanted to spend a night with his boyfriend.

“Remind me to get her some flowers or something,” Warren muttered.


“What, you want flowers Stronghold? You never struck me as the romantic type,” Warren said, grinning.

“Well… um… so what are we doing tonight?” Will asked instead.

“Want to get right down to it? Don’t want to wait?” Warren shot back, moving right into Will’s space, staring right into his eyes, his own dark and glittering.

“…Yeah,” Will got out, mouth gone dry. Damn, all Warren had to do was look at him and Will was lost. It was easy, too easy to be turned on by him.

“I got something planned. We need to fly somewhere. You game?”

Will had Warren grabbed under the arms and up in the sky nearly before Warren was done talking. Warren only laughed softly, and gave Will flying instructions. “Left, right, lower, keep straight, a little lower, circle around a bit…”

It took them a good fifteen minutes of flying before Warren seemed satisfied with where they were, hovering above part of the woods in the county park. There didn’t seem to be any people in sight… or any buildings for that matter. Will would be fine with the privacy, but it was starting to get cold at nights, and even with Warren as his boyfriend, he didn’t just want to fly around until morning. He wanted to be able to relax a little… at least in between the celebrating.

“Close your eyes and then descend, slowly,” Warren said finally. Will shrugged and complied, carefully losing altitude, until Warren warned him the ground was near. When they finally touched earth, Warren warned him to keep his eyes shut, and then stepped away. There were some hissing sounds, like fire starting, and Will could see golden light around him, even through his eyelids. Then came the sound of crackling, burning wood, and the air around him began to warm up.

“Ok, open your eyes,” Warren said. Will blinked a little as he looked all around, seeing a clearing ringed with tiki torches, with a fire in the middle, and an inviting-looking bed of sleeping bags and blankets next to it. The small clearing gave the place the intimacy of a bedroom.

“Uh…” Will said ingeniously, staring at everything at once. Warren had a fairly decent talent for “arranging space,” as he put it, and Will was oddly touched that Warren had gone to all this trouble for him. “I like it!”

Warren smirked a little and took a few steps closer to Will.

“So, it’s your birthday. What do you want to do?” Warren asked, his voice low and damn near seductive.

Will’s mind went totally blank, even if his body was enthusiastically clamoring for him to be touched, stroked, kissed, taken, something, anything. That had been one of Will’s problems with Layla; he didn’t do well when leading in amorous activities.

“I don’t-. I can’t-. I-,” Will stuttered, face feeling hot and jeans feeling terribly confining. Warren leaned forward to capture Will’s confused lips in a soft kiss, deepening and strengthening it with every second, until Will’s head started to spin, only conscious of the heat of Warren’s lips, the dueling of their tongues, the soft nip of teeth. When Warren finally pulled back, Will could feel the thump, thump, thump of his pulse through every part of his body, his cock throbbing in time.

“I have a few ideas,” Warren whispered into his ear, one hand trailing from the back of Will’s head down his neck. “How about I start, and if anything comes to mind, you just let me know?”

Will nodded blankly, and let Warren push him down into the surprisingly soft “bed.” Warren stood up again, and stretched slowly, watching Will’s reaction through hooded eyes. The heat from the campfire combined with the after-effects of Warren’s kissing had suddenly made clothes far too hot to wear. Will quickly struggled out of them, hoping Warren would take the hint. He did, but in a far better way than Will could have expected.

Warren began to strip off his clothes languidly, one article at a time, stretching and flexing so every revealed patch of skin was on display. It wasn’t quite a striptease; there wasn’t any cheesy music, but Will could feel himself straining to keep control at the sight. Somehow Warren even made taking off his shoes sexy, by bending all the way over with his ass to Will, showing off every muscular curve outlined in tight denim. Breathing becoming heavy and irregular as it hitched in lust, Will could only stare, mesmerized.


Warren turned from slowly pulling off his t-shirt to see Will, eyes huge and dilated, slowly encouraging his own arousal, loosely running his hand up and down that magnificent cock of his. Warren had to suppress a groan of desire as he slowly ran his hands down his torso to just barely touch the button on his jeans. Will preferred it when Warren made the decisions during sex, but even so Warren found himself wanting to please Will with less thought to his own pleasure.

He’d meant it, what he’d said to Will in the pizza parlor. He wanted to get on his knees and worship Will’s cock, take it down his throat, stroke it until he came again and again, suckle and swallow until Will was completely satisfied.

Part of it was the completely shallow portion of his brain that was just pleased as punch at Will’s size. Part of it was the rarely-indulged submissive urges that he occasionally had. Usually he liked to be on top, but for Will he’d happily, enthusiastically bottom. Or kneel, sucking him off without any expectation of reciprocation. Part of it was he loved Will and wanted to do something for him that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. And part of it was Will was having a very hard time with his parents, and Warren just wanted to give him a few hours of pleasure-filled forgetfulness.

Breathing slowly to keep control, Warren bucked his hips forward a fraction as he undid the button, and again as he slowly unzipped his fly. Will swallowed hard as Warren slid the denim from his body, leaving his cock barely confined by silk boxers. Gratified, Warren slowed down even more, removing the final article of clothing with maddening slowness. Will’s breathing hitched as the last of the cloth fell away, and Warren tossed his head back in a deliberately wanton gesture, just to get a reaction.

Looking back at his boyfriend, Warren was gratified to see that Will had nearly forgotten to breathe. Concentrating on Will was the only thing allowing Warren to keep control now, as he took a few steps forward and knelt between Will’s thighs. With only feather-light pressure, Will opened to him completely, and Warren groaned almost silently in his chest. He couldn’t stand teasing him anymore.

He leaned forward, hands braced on either side of Will’s body, and swirled his tongue around the leaking head of Will’s cock. With just that touch, Will moaned and flopped back, hands clenched into fists, body rigid as he tried to stay still and not hurt Warren by thrusting. Two more wet strokes of Warren’s tongue, and Will was cumming with a strangled whimper.

Warren swallowed fast and then smiled against the smooth tip of Will’s rapidly-recovering cock. This was just the foreplay.


Will tossed his head back in the blankets as Warren’s hot hands slid up his thighs, bracing themselves as Warren dipped his head back down. Apparently Warren hadn’t been kidding when he said he was going to suck him dry tonight, as this was the fourth time. The sky was starting to spin and get fuzzy, and Will was hard-pressed to say anything coherent. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could stand without passing out!

Will fitfully moved his hands down and rested one on Warren’s head, making up look up from his self-appointed task. Warren’s lips were swollen and shiny as he licked them, and Will had to repress the urge to just let Warren get back to what he was doing.

“You come up with an idea?” Warren asked, looking mischievous.

“…Yeah,” Will managed.

Warren stroked Will idly and looked expectant. Will just groaned deep in his chest and bucked his hips slightly, reveling in the heat of Warren’s hand.

“Not a telepath, Stronghold,” Warren reminded him. Will scowled, and Warren just smirked at him, tossing his hair back.

“I want you,” Will got out.

Warren cocked his head and moved one hand to Will’s hip, sliding it down to cup Will’s ass.

“Yes, that!” Will said quickly, before Warren could tease him any further. He started to roll over, when Warren’s hand on his side stopped him.

“Stay here. I want to make this special,” Warren whispered. He gently pressed on Will’s thighs to get them to part, and curled one hand around Will’s head to bring him up into a kiss, as his other hand, slick and sure, breached Will’s body. Will gasped into Warren’s mouth at the slow and careful touch, sliding into him a hair at a time, opening him up with complete surety. Will felt like all the incredible heat of Warren’s body was pouring inside him, making him smolder, ready to ignite at a touch.

“Yeah,” Will said, writhing just as much as he dared. “Warren…”

The slick touch went away, and Warren moved, reluctantly pulling away from Will’s mouth. He leaned over him, close enough to kiss, locking his eyes with Will’s.

“I want to see your face when I do this. I want you to see me when I’m in you, knowing you let me in, and how much you love it. When I’m done with you, the only thing you’ll be thinking about is me,” Warren said, his voice rumbling very low, his dark eyes black in the firelight.

Will’s mouth went dry as Warren sat back and urged Will back, lifting his legs, parting them, pushing himself just forward and-.

Will make a strangled noise as Warren pushed in, and kept his eyes open to watch. Warren looked incredible when he was inside him, his expression open and easy to read, baring himself completely because he was with Will. Will felt like he’d just seen something that he wasn’t supposed to see, a forbidden glimpse of something sacred.

“I love you!” Will blurted out.

Warren smiled easily, and suddenly the fires ignited inside him. Will gripped the ground for support as Warren began to move, arms locked on his thighs. The heat shimmered between them as small flames began to dance along Warren’s hands, tickling Will’s skin with every thrust of Warren’s hips. Will held on as hard as he could to keep from letting go immediately, feeling something building up between them.

Will kept his hands in desperate fists at his sides as Warren finally tossed his head back, every muscle in him straining to push them together harder, faster. Will tentatively moved with Warren, and that suddenly made everything click.

“Will, damn it, Will!” Warren cried out, hands flaring with golden fire as molten heat burst inside Will. His own orgasm seemed to detonate at Warren’s release, and Will saw stars as the ground itself seemed to fall away, leaving them hovering for a single infinite instant of ecstasy.

Will opened his eyes sometime later to see Warren collapsed on top of him, not exactly sure what just happened.

“I think-. I think the earth moved,” Will said in a very small voice.

“It did,” Warren said, with matter-of-fact exhausted pleasure. “You hit the ground with your fists.”

Will turned his head to see two small craters under his hands.

“Oh.” He paused. “My bad.”

“I take it as a compliment. Happy Birthday, Will.” Warren laid a hand briefly on Will’s head in a possessive gesture, and Will let himself relax completely under Warren’s touch, every vestige of stress leaving him for the first time in a week.

“Thanks,” Will said quietly, a smiled as he started to doze off.


Warren kept conscious a few minutes more as Will drifted off. They’d go back to Warren’s home eventually, once they were both past the “not wanting to move” post-sex lethargy. And once they were there, Warren knew he’d dig deep into his energy reserves to make sure Will didn’t have a chance to worry again tonight. This was only the beginning, the bare beginning of something they would be dealing with for months, or even years.

Times like these were going to have to be stored up as a bulwark against the longer stretches of time when it would seem easier if they’d never met. They’d both have to remember why they were together when it would seem that most of the world was against them, and Warren knew they would need every happy memory they could make. He just hoped it would be enough.

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sky high, fic, warren/will, warren peace, slash, will stronghold

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