Dark Stop

Jan 24, 2008 06:42

Author's Note: This is a kind of dark alternate second chapter to my story "Stop," though it can stand alone. It's a bit dark, rather angsty, and has Submissive!Will, Jealous!Layla, and EvilManipulativeBastard!Warren. Characters are slightly OOC because of it, but I hope it entertains in some twisted way. I would like to reiterate that this is not a pleasant story.  People are twisted.  The ending is not nice.

Please do drop a review to let me know if you liked it, didn't like it, or think anything needs to be improved.


Layla had thought she had it under control when Will had told her he wanted to go out with Warren. He had broken up very amicably with her; he had let her down as gently as only he could. Clueless and naïve he might be, but he had been kind as possible, given the circumstances. He had been blunt, but he had spoken the truth, and hadn’t tried to deceive her in any way. How could she have been mad with him?

It was easy enough to smile and nod, to politely accept the fact that her boyfriend had suddenly decided he was bisexual, because Will hadn’t done anything about it around school. If Will hadn’t told her he was going out with Warren, she never would have guessed it. So it was easy to just be polite and supportive, to just tell herself it had all been for the best. What would have happened if we had gotten married and had kids and then he’d realized he was bi? she had thought to herself, trying to get some comfort out of the situation.

It had been easy, right up until a month and a half after their break-up. By that time everyone had noticed that Will Stronghold, one of the most popular guys in school, had not gotten another girlfriend. He hadn’t dumped Layla for another girl… so why? There hadn’t been even a hint of a date with anyone else at Sky High or elsewhere, so why had he suddenly dropped Layla and never even attempt to go out with anyone else?

The rumors had started right after their breakup, but now they went into overdrive. Was Layla really a bitch in private? Had she driven Will away with her demands? Was she a high-maintenance queen that even a Stronghold couldn’t satisfy? Had she refused to answer any of his wants or needs?

“I bet she didn’t put out,” she had heard Bianca Frost, Freeze Girl, sneer in the bathroom one day. Layla had tucked up her feet in one of the stalls when the senior girls had come in, and now was uncomfortably trapped as they proceeded to rip her to shreds. “Come on, guys expect a little more than a peck on the cheek! I haven’t seen or even heard her do anything more than that. I put out for Warren on the first night when I was dating him.”

“Yeah, but that didn’t help you keep him Bianca!” one of the other girls said with a sneering laugh.

“Please, nobody holds Warren for long. He tries everyone on for size. He went out with me for three weeks, and nobody’s beaten that record yet! He didn’t date you for more than five days Kim, so don’t you start talking,” Bianca said languidly. “Will just must have gotten tired of her. She’s more of an ice queen than I am. I bet she was all set on getting him to the alter before even putting her hand down his pants.”

“What, are you going to try for him?”

“Too young,” Bianca sighed. “I mean, he is a Stronghold, but he’s three years younger than me! I don’t like having to teach guys the ropes. Come on, most guys like it if they can pretend they’re in charge-.”

The bell had rung, sending the girls scattering for class and freeing Layla from her confinement. She risked being late for class so she could splash cold water on her face to fade the signs of tears. Was it true? Had Warren managed to get Will because he’d kissed him, or more? Was she being too selfish, wanting to wait for that kind of thing until marriage?

She hadn’t thought so. She had thought it was only a matter of time before they graduated, he would propose, they’d get married, and then they’d do things properly. Had Will expected more from her? Was his shyness only due to the fact that he was waiting for her permission to go farther? Had he only been trying to be polite while waiting for her to…. to…

Blow him? Let him have sex with her? her mind asked nastily. Layla blushed furiously, splashing more cold water on her face. She was uncomfortable with those kinds of thoughts, that kind of talk, particularly while at school. She had wanted Will to be her first. Yes, she had wanted a little more from Will, which was why she had asked Warren to help in the first place. But she hadn’t been sure what she wanted from him. Will had told her he wanted her to show him what do to… and she had been too embarrassed to admit she didn’t know!

Warren was… well, he wasn’t a slut, not precisely. He had been in complete control of all his relationships, and there had been dozens of them. There was even a very quiet, yet very large club of “People Who Had Slept With Warren Peace.” Girls and guys, superhero and citizen, his former partners ran a wide gauntlet of looks and personality. But he had never cheated on anyone, always ending one relationship before embarking on the next.

Maybe she should feel happy for Will and Warren. They’d been going out now for just over two months, which was a world record by Warren’s standards. They were suited for each other; Will had never looked happier, even if he never did anything remotely romantic at school. But every single weekend, for at least one day, Will always spent the night at Warren’s house.

Splashing more water on her face and patting it off gingerly with the handkerchief she carried (to spare the trees the indignity of being cut down for paper towels), she decided she would refuse to think about it anymore. It was certainly nothing she could change… and thinking about it only made her feel tense inside. She’d already had to apologize for overgrowing her English teacher’s fern because she’d let her emotions run high, and she didn’t want to do it again. She just needed to not think about it. Ever.


The last seconds were ticking down, but Will and Warren didn’t need them. Despite the laser sensors that were supposed to drop the citizen in the grinder if Will tripped any of them while flying, he’d managed to get his hands on the dummy almost ten seconds before the end of the match. Warren had kept Lash and Speed (back in school on the equivalent of a work release program) very busy with his fireballs, while Will threaded the ever-changing lasers to save the citizen.

The match had been terribly exciting. Both Lash and Speed had sent Warren tumbling a few times, but he always managed to get behind cover before Lash could grab him, or get into a corner before Speed could try to vortex him. And Will had threaded through the lasers with speed and grace, causing gasps when it seemed he could break the beams at any minute and send the citizen dummy to her doom…

But Warren had managed to hem Lash in and use him as a net to catch Speed, tying both villains up and letting Will get his hands on the citizen without worry. The whole crowd had been cheering as Will and Warren raised the dummy triumphantly… and then it had happened.

Warren caught Will’s eyes, going to thump him on the back, and they both suddenly froze. There were no hearty male backslaps, no boyish high-fives, no friendly manly hugs. One minute they were staring, and the next they had their hands tangled in each other’s hair, kissing so hot and frantically she could practically feel it in the bleachers. It was passionate, loving, and somehow tender and fierce at the same time.

The gym went quiet for a second, and then erupted in a combination of cheers, laughter, and wild whoops of encouragement. A few people just looked disgusted and started to leave, but Warren just seemed to play to the crowd. He deepened the kiss (Layla could see his tongue dueling with Will’s when they had to separate a bit for air) and crushed Will to him. And Will… just let him. Melted into his grasp and kissed him back for all he was worth, far more enthusiastically than he had ever kissed Layla.

Coach Boomer yelled at them to cut the PDA and hit the showers, and then dismissed the rest of the class to get dressed. Layla couldn’t even move for several long minutes, even after Warren and Will had left the floor. Other girls had been shooting her superior, or snidely sympathetic, or even pitying glances as they had left, but that’s not what had her glued to her seat.

Layla found herself alternately flushing and paling, nearly vibrating in her seat with emotion. If there had been any plants in the gym, they would have been shaking as well. A single feeling had her shaken to the core.


Pure, unreasoning jealousy, powerful enough to wipe away nearly every other thought and doubt.

Letting Will go to Warren had been fine in the abstract, but when confronted with the evidence, she could barely accept it. How could Will humiliate her like this? Bad enough that she hadn’t been good enough for him, but to lose him to someone like Warren, the school bad boy, was physically painful. To have them kissing in front of half the school, showing his distain for her, made her nauseous.

Had Warren been planning to take Will all along? Had she somehow angered him last year when she wanted to go out with him to make Will jealous? Had he resented being drawn into their circle of friends? Had he actually seduced Will into thinking he was bi?

That had to be it! Warren had sex at the drop of a hat; everyone knew it. And he must have… Layla blushed furiously, thinking about it. Had Warren already had sex with Will? He must have; that kiss was far too passionate to have come from an unconsummated relationship.

All this time, Layla had been saving herself, being a good girl, trying to make other people happy, and trying to make things fair. And what had it gotten her? Heartache trying to get her boyfriend, heartache in losing her boyfriend, being teased for refusing to move to the Hero track, people talking about her behind her back, one of the people she had helped turning on her…

She had to know if Warren was just toying with Will. Will had been her best friend since practically forever! Surely he just couldn’t have suddenly decided Warren was the love of his life without Warren employing some kind of trick.

She had to know. She had to


It was Friday night, and Will had just walked into Warren’s house an hour ago. Layla had followed him, after watching him after school. It was weird and embarrassing, stalking her former boyfriend, but Layla couldn’t stand not knowing the truth. The talk behind her back had suddenly become public in the last three days. Layla was now the laughingstock of Sky High. She was a total failure in the relationship department, a completely geeky ice queen prima donna, according to the other girls. Her former boyfriend had turned out to be bi, which she completely hadn’t noticed in a one-year relationship, and was now totally in love with Warren Peace. She was lucky if any guy at school would ever look at her again with that kind of track record behind her.

Somehow, through some miracle, the rumors had not gotten back to Will’s parents about his current love interest. The students and teachers at Sky High seemed to find Warren and Will’s relationship cute and healthy, for reasons totally past Layla’s understanding, and a conspiracy of silence had somehow developed. No one had taken pictures, and no one was talking about it with anyone outside school.

It made Layla sick. She was drowning in scorn and social ostracization, and no one noticed or cared. Magenta only said Layla shouldn’t worry about it; the opinions of the other girls didn’t matter. Ethan and Zack only shrugged and said Warren and Will were both their friends, and if they wanted to hook up, that was their own concern.

Layla didn’t have Magenta’s thick skin, Ethan’s ability to sublimate everything into schoolwork, or Zack’s easygoing manner and capacity to accept nearly anything with good grace.

Will had been hers. If they hadn’t been having sex on a thrice-daily basis, they at least had been having long, meaningful conversations, sharing memories, helping each other over rough spots, and listening to each other’s woes. Shouldn’t that count more than just sex? They’d had a meaningful friendship, a deep and committed understanding of each other… Yet somehow Warren had managed to win Will over with just a make-out session!

Layla had spent the night crying in an agony of indecision and jealousy. She wasn’t sure if she could stand the veiled glances at school anymore. She’d tried to concentrate on Recycling Club, on her classes and homework, on how to control her powers better, but it hadn’t helped. People thought she was clueless, out of touch, oblivious to the world around her.

How could she be a good superhero, people asked, if she couldn’t tell something so fundamental about her former boyfriend? So not only was she a social failure, she was now a professional one before she had even started! It had been enough that Layla wanted to drop out of Sky High and move to the Amazon rain forest to start her work there. To hell with being a superhero, she’d save the environment single-handedly!

And yet… She still kept coming back to her relationship to Will, worrying at it like a loose tooth. He had always been there, ever since she could remember. He had always been her neighbor, her friend, and then her one true love. If she left, she’d probably never see him again. She wouldn’t have the guts to come back.

This wasn’t supposed to happen this way! she wailed in her mind. We… we were going to get married. I hinted at it, I know I did. Resolutely she ignored the fact that Will had never gotten a subtle hint in his life. He knew I loved him, I told him every day!

Layla looked up at Warren’s house from her hiding place behind the bushes. She was tired of the backbiting and rumors, terrified that if she left she’d lose even the faint hope of Will ever coming to his senses again. If nobody was going to do something about it, she would.

Camera phone resolutely clasped in hand, she crept around the side of the house, until she saw the one window on the second story that was lit up. Focusing her power on the ground, she encouraged a latent maple seed to grow into a tree, bearing her up to the window. Staying to one side, she carefully, carefully poked her head around the edge, peering through a chink in the curtains.

She needn’t have bothered. Neither of them would have noticed even if the roof had dropped in on them. Warren was leaning back in a comfortable, wingback chair, still in his typical leather jacket, black t-shirt, and jeans from school, his legs wide apart and his head thrown back. Will was kneeling at his feet, totally naked, his head buried in Warren’s groin, Warren’s hands clutched in his short, messy hair.

From her angle, she could see Will’s expression was one of pure bliss as he deep-throated Warren’s cock, his head bobbing up and down enthusiastically. Warren’s face echoed Will’s peaceful pleasure, and the maple tree grew spikes around her as she found herself shaking with anger. Her finger closed convulsively on the button of her phone over and over, clicking picture after picture.

Will had never looked at her that way, never. And being totally naked, on his knees, sucking Warren off? She would have never guessed that Will would enjoy being so… submissive. A hot flush ran through her body, a tightening tingle swelling out through her core as she watched them. If she had encouraged Will to go down on her, would he have stayed? If she had been more forceful, could she have kept him? Her attention focused on the two boys, she barely noticed the thick branch that pressed between her legs, right along the crotch of her panties. Her skirt fluttered a little from the plant’s movement, but her entire being was concentrated on Will, and by extension, Warren.

She had had no idea how Will’s powers had changed him. She’d never done more in their one-year relationship than hug, kiss, and maybe rub him a little through clothes. She hadn’t realized how defined his muscles had become. There was not a spare ounce of flesh on him, only tight, defined muscles over his short frame.

Layla pressed her hand to her mouth as Warren’s hands suddenly tightened in Will’s hair, and he arced into Will’s mouth, his entire body straining and tensing. She could see Will’s throat working as he swallowed again and again, finally pulling away from Warren with a brilliant smile on his face.

She couldn’t hear what he said, but Warren only nodded, his head lolled back on the chair for several long minutes, his hands fitfully tracing Will’s face and hair. Layla’s heart contracted in pain when she remembered how much Will had liked those soft little touches when Layla had done them. Had he told Warren about that? About their little moments of intimacy?

Layla squeezed back tears as Warren suddenly stood up, sliding around behind Will, drawing him to his feet, slipping one hand around his waist and the other a lot lower. Will was facing Layla now, his entire body opened to her inspection. He was beautiful, as handsome as anyone had ever been to her sight. She skimmed over the sight of his erect penis with some difficulty; it looked too big to be real, and tried to concentrate on his face. He seemed to try to be looking back at Warren as Warren closed a hand around Will’s cock and began to stroke firmly.

Will’s face responded beautifully to every move Warren made, his body moving perfectly with every little twist and stroke. She could tell Will was saying, “I love you, love you, love you,” with every move. Warren’s face was a mask of concentration and heated pleasure, and she tried to ignore it.

Desperately, she tried to imagine herself in Warren’s place, stroking Will to new heights of pleasure, just to pretend to have an intimate moment between them. But it was too hard. She’d want Will to make love to her, not to have him melting under her touch like he was doing now. She’d want him to look at her, not have to talk to him over his shoulder.

Despite all of that, she found her body flushing very hot, and found herself rubbing on the branch that had subconsciously come to rest between her legs. Her skin tingled and she licked her lips over and over again, trying to rid them of the feeling. Her chest heaved as she breathed harder and harder, her nipples hard and aching, feeling swollen and almost painful beneath her thin shirt.

One hand was bunching the material of her skirt, and the other still clutched the camera phone, clicking madly away, trying to catch as many pictures as she could. It hadn’t registered that she was now more solidly in front of the window than at the side, not even when Warren’s hand suddenly caught on fire, and Will screamed with ecstasy, loud enough to be heard through the window. The fire did him no harm; he actually seemed to be totally into it, pulsing out his semen in long spurts for a seemingly endless time, before he finally slumped in Warren’s arms.

The fire finally went out, and Warren suddenly looked up right into her eyes, his expression dark. Layla froze in panic, not even having enough wit to jump when Warren marched over to the window slammed it open, dragged her inside, and slammed it shut again. She tumbled on the floor next to Will, who quickly saw the phone in her hands.

“Layla! What are you doing here? You took pictures?!” he asked incredulously, looking betrayed. Warren stood over her, legs akimbo, arms crossed, a horrible scowl on his face. He looked positively evil right then. Layla felt her mouth go dry and began to tremble. Warren Peace was not a person to cross; and she had caught him in a moment so personal, so intimate…

“She’s been watching us for the past half hour,” Warren said, his eyes mocking. Will blushed, but looked sharply at Layla anyway. “Did you get a good look? Like what you see?” Warren asked dangerously.

Swallowing hard, Layla blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. “You seduced my boyfriend! I just wanted proof of it!” she cried.

“Seduced? Hell yes I did,” Warren said, almost proudly, flipping back his mane of black and red hair in a pointedly casual gesture. “But I asked him. All he had to do was say ‘stop’ and I would have stopped. He never said stop, and I gave him plenty of opportunities.”

Warren suddenly dropped to his knees, straddling her, and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“You can’t rape the very enthusiastically willing,” he murmured. Layla saw red. The window began to rattle from the maple tree outside, reacting to her anger, and Warren pulled back. “That tree breaks the window, and I’ll tell everyone you were watching us and getting off on it.”

“What?!” she demanded, paling. The tree outside shrunk back to a seed in her distress.

“Go ahead Stronghold, feel her. I bet she’s just dripping. I saw her nearly fucking that tree outside my window,” Warren sneered.

Layla gaped at him in complete and utter shock. She had never seen Warren like this before, so cruel, so ready to hurt. This was nothing like the brooding “bad boy” she had befriended last year. She turned to Will, trying to make him understand, and started crying seeing the disgust on his face.

“Why Layla? Who were you going to send the pictures to? My dad?” he asked, in obvious distress.

It was too much. Layla burst into tears, flinging herself at him, babbling like a brook over everything that had happened. The rumors and backbiting of the students, her own feelings of utter worthlessness, her feelings of betrayal at them both…

“You humiliated me!” she wailed finally, her arms around Will’s neck. “You kissed Warren right in front of everyone! Everyone thinks I’m useless and pathetic and… I thought Warren had just tricked you… but I thought if I could just get you apart from him I could just show you-.”

“You are useless and pathetic, Hippy,” Warren said coldly. Layla just kept sniffling, horribly aware that while she had her arms around Will, he was very awkward and stiff and was not returning her hug.

“You want me back just so you can prove you weren’t wrong?” Will asked, not even put off my Warren’s harsh statement. Put like that, it sounded even stupider and pettier than ever, and she just sobbed some more. Warren’s callous words and Will’s pointed questions were worse than anything she had ever felt at school.

“I…” Layla trailed off, slowly pulling away from Will. She desperately wanted him to hug her to tell her things would be ok, even if he were just touching her as a friend. But she’d managed to destroy that too.

Warren leaned over, and the two quickly had a whisper-conference right above her head. She couldn’t even tell what they were saying. She was just realizing how terribly she had messed this up, and couldn’t even think straight.

“I really don’t like people spying on me,” Warren said finally, his voice deceptively mild. “So I’d like those pictures back, and then you can go. If you talk about this, and then we talk too. Deal?”

Part of Layla wanted to hand over the phone and just hope they’d forget the whole thing. But another part of her, the stubborn part that had talked her into coming to Warren’s house in the first place, wasn’t going to give up that easily.

She could practically rip this house down around their ears if they did one thing to her she didn’t like. She could have those pictures sent off to his dad before they could stop her… and then they wouldn’t be able to. The Strongholds would get Will in check so fast his head would spin.

But then Warren and Will would both hate her for the rest of their lives. And if the people at school figured out she had deliberately broken up the new golden couple… Layla didn’t even want to consider how nasty they’d get. She couldn’t even handle it now, how could she deal with even more rumors or evil pranks for the rest of her life? Her friends probably wouldn’t talk to her again.

She had a choice right now, living in eternal shame, running away, or asking for something she was never going to get otherwise. Watching Will with Warren had made her very hot, and she just wanted Will to show her a tenth of the tenderness he’d shown Warren. Just because she was uncomfortable thinking about sex didn’t mean it hadn’t ever crossed her mind. She’d even experimented on her own, but no amount of self-gratification would possibly satisfy her tonight, not after what she’d seen.

It was wrong. It was perverse and bizarre, but somehow her body had made up her mind before her brain could interfere.

“I want something in return,” she said quickly. “I want Will.”

She must have been blushing as red as her hair when she said it, and saw the two boys exchanged shocked glances.

“Please,” she pleaded. No, she begged. Layla was begging and she knew it.

“You… you still want me?” Will asked, seeming confused. And maybe a little touched too? Layla hoped so. Threatening sure as hell hadn’t worked. Maybe some feminine wiles would.

Whore, her mind seethed. Layla ignored it resolutely.

Warren leaned over for another quick conference, one that had Will shaking his head at first, and finally nodded. He smiled tremulously at Layla and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

“If you don’t mind Warren watching,” he said. An almost physical pain pierced Layla’s mind at that, but she nodded her assent anyway. Everything was wrong, absolutely everything was wrong, and one more wrong couldn’t possibly make this any worse.

Will laid her back down, slowly and softly beginning to kiss her, deepening the kiss easily, opening her mouth, slipping his tongue in, all to Warren’s soft encouragements.

“Yeah, that’s it, just like I showed you,” he whispered. Layla tried to shut out his voice, but it was hard. She could feel a terribly hot hand suddenly begin to rub over her stomach, and she tensed in fear. She hadn’t wanted Warren, and didn’t want him touching her. He’d been ready to burn her earlier when he’d caught her, and Warren wasn’t exactly known for his forgiving nature.

“Relax,” Will said into her mouth, kissing her a little harder, his own hand joining Warren’s in caressing over her stomach again and again, and her fear ebbed as her pleasure climbed. She didn’t know how long his lips were on hers, but long enough that the tingling feeling had returned, along with the flush of heat and tight, swollen feeling of her breasts.

“Not bad Stronghold. Try these, and I’ll show her something else,” Warren said casually, moving his hands briefly to her breasts, squeezing them gently before removing his hands. She wanted to shriek in outrage, but suddenly Will’s hands had stolen under her shirt and were cupping her breasts, thumbs running over exquisitely sensitive nipples, making her arc into his hands, breathing harshly. She couldn’t get enough of that feeling, the gentle stroking and pinching, and felt an embarrassing gush between her legs, as every little stroke seemed to be connected directly to her pussy.

She wanted to whisper to Will, to tell him how much she loved him, how open and ready she was for him, how she’d do anything for him to get him back, when Will’s mouth left hers and Warren’s crashed down on her lips. Layla wanted to shout, to push him off, but her hands were clutching Will, and her mouth was suddenly otherwise engaged.

Will had been surprisingly good at kissing, far better than he’d ever been when he’d been with her. Warren was infinitely better, and it was clear where Will had learned his new techniques. Layla felt herself melting into that hot mouth, clutching at Will hard as she tried to kiss Warren back. The tight, hot feeling running through her body were trying to spiral her towards a feeling she hadn’t known she needed until now, and Warren’s kiss was now part of that.

One of Will’s hands ceased its work and she nearly whimpered, before he suddenly jerked at her shirt with one hand, ripping it from her body without effort. She would have protested, if his lips suddenly hadn’t fastened on a breast, suckling enthusiastically. Layla nearly exploded right then and there, trying to press herself hard into his mouth and Warren’s both, her face red with embarrassment as much as need.

“You’re liking this,” Warren murmured in between kisses. “I can tell. You’re so desperate for Will you’ll take anything you can get with him, isn’t that right?”

“I… just want Will,” she gasped, trying to stick with the truth in her head, even as she pressed her lips against Warren again.

“Stronghold, stop,” Warren said, and Layla nearly screamed at the total loss of sensation as Warren and Will pulled away.

“No, wait!” she cried, trying to sit up. “I want-.”

“You want, you want, what about what the hell I want, or what Will wants?” Warren demanded.

“But-,” she started again.

“You took pictures of us to try to get his dad to break us up, just because your ego couldn’t fucking stand the fact that he’d fallen in love with me! I love Will,” Warren said, his eyes blazing. “You think I was on a revolving door love-life because I thought it was fun? No, I was trying to find my motherfucking soulmate, you jealous bitch! And I’ll be damned if I let you fuck this up for us, deal or no deal.”

Layla felt something inside of her crumpling and dying, and felt more tears slide helplessly down her face, accompanied by hiccupping sobs.

Will’s expression was slightly uncomfortable, but he was also nodding slightly at Warren’s words. She gazed at him in entreaty, but he only shook his head.

“I love Warren, Layla. I’m sorry the people at school are being mean to you, but I’m not going to give him up just to help you,” he said plainly. Layla just sobbed helplessly, and Will awkwardly brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. She shivered at his gentleness, her body still terribly primed and aware she was now naked from the waist up in front of both of them.

“If you had told me they were making fun of you, I would have told them to stop,” Will continued, and Warren reached out to run his hand down’s Will’s back, his expression softening as Will smiled at his touch.

“I would have too, Hippie. But you still owe us, especially for breaking up our private weekend,” Warren said, the raging heat gone from his eyes, but smoldering embers still lingering there.

“Wh-what?” she hiccupped.

Warren looked over her coolly; seeming to appraise her like he would a piece of meat.

“You liked feeling her up Stronghold?” he asked Will almost conversationally. Will blushed furiously at that, and Warren smiled indulgently. “Yeah, I would too, she’s pretty. She’ll take anything she can get with you; she already said that. But we come as a package deal,” he said, addressing the last to Layla. “You want him, you get me too.”

“But- I- what are you saying?” Layla asked in a very small voice.

Warren unceremoniously grabbed Will’s hand and thrust it up Layla’s skit so he could feel her soaking panties. Layla jumped and shamelessly tried to push back against their touch, squirming inside to see how wanton she had become. What was wrong with her?

“She’s so hot for you,” Warren whispered huskily into Will’s ear. “She’d do anything for you. Think of how fun she’d be. Our very own toy doll. All we have to do is protect her from the bad things, and she’d be our plaything whenever we wanted.”

Warren’s hand was stroking along her slit as he spoke, his hot fingers tantalizing her, and she felt another gush dampen her pussy. Her clit throbbed in time with her thundering heart, and when Warren skimmed over it, seemingly by accident, she suddenly shrieked as every muscle in her body tensed, waves of pleasure exploding out from her groin, making her writhe helplessly on the floor.

Warren continued to stroke, and Layla continued to shake as smaller quakes of pleasure rocked her body, when Will’s hand suddenly nudged aside the thin fabric and slowly penetrated her. She mewled and arced, humping down onto his hand frantically, not wanting the pulses of pleasure to stop. The raw feel of his fingers was so intense, so soul-encompassing, she almost didn’t notice when Will’s hand and mouth were at her breasts again, almost. Warren’s lips closed over hers again, his tongue taking dominance of her mouth, as she laid in helpless shame and pleasure.

It was long, long minutes before Will took his hand away, and Layla almost sobbed at the loss. She felt empty, hollow, the whole pointless disgusting mess her life had suddenly been swept away in the past hour, and she didn’t know what was going to happen next.

“So, what do you think Stronghold?” Warren asked conversationally, lifting his lips away.

“I don’t know…” Will said slowly. “Warren, this isn’t right. It’d be a lie. She’d be like our slave. Layla, I really don’t want to hurt you.”

“I could live with a slave girl or two,” Warren said, stroking a firm hand down Layla’s body, cupping it against her groin, smiling to see her grind down against it. Layla started crying again. She had lost nearly everything, and this pleasurable touch was the only thing that mattered to her right now.

“Layla, what do you want to do?” Will asked. Layla slowly dragged her eyes open when Warren pulled his hand away, and found him kneeling behind Will, whispering something in his ear.

“Just tell us to stop, and we’ll never touch you again. Give us the phone, leave, and we’ll pretend this never happened,” Warren said authoritatively. Will was very gently stroking down her ribs, a tender and almost loving touch.

Warren was giving her a chance, a slim one, to leave with some aspect of her dignity intact. He’d forget about the demand she’d made to have Will and to try to break them up, and she could try to forget that Warren wanted her for their mutual plaything. He said they’d never touch her again. She could try to forget she’d been acting like a little hussy, maybe leave Sky High and try to get accepted at one of the other superhero schools. Or go with her original plan and just leave the country altogether, heading for the rainforest. She could forget about the thorny prickles of love and jealousy and sex…

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, her mind made up. If she could somehow be with Will, even if the price of that was being with Warren, then she’d take it. She was pathetic, broken, and Magenta would totally kick her ass for doing this, but right now she just wanted to be held, even by someone who was just pretending to love her. She’d happily accept the sham, just as long as they kept those feelings going. She couldn’t stand the thought of Will never touching her again.

Will’s expression took on a peculiar cast, almost like he was trying to leer and smile helpfully at the same time. Layla felt cold inside, terribly afraid at what was happening to her. Warren was talking about something so degrading that she shouldn’t even be thinking about it. Except she was, right now, in many different combinations.

Warren had changed Will somehow; she knew he wouldn’t have considered something this perverted normally, but apparently two months or so of constant sex had really woken up Will’s sex drive. And, as Warren had said, you couldn’t rape the willing. He must have really loved Warren to want to please him so much. And he wanted him so much more than Layla…

This is ridiculous! You’re whoring yourself out just to avoid extra heartbreak! Grow a spine, fight back, don’t take this lying down Layla! the little logical voice in her head screamed. Layla didn’t often pay attention to that part of herself, even if it was usually correct. Right now, it just made things more depressing. She was tired of feeling depressed and sad and beaten down. She wanted Will to love her again; she wanted something to go right for once.

“Will, I love you,” she whispered.

“I know,” he whispered back, and leaned down to fasten his lips to her breast again, one hand stripping away the rest of her clothes, leaving her skirt and panties more-or-less intact on the floor beside them. His fingers returned to her aching and empty pussy, easily slipping inside, and she mewled into Warren’s mouth as he claimed her lips again. Layla’s body felt like it was on fire, every inch of skin sensitized, every touch intensely pleasurable.

“Layla,” Warren whispered, pulling away from her lips to hear her mewls as Will continued to thrust into her body with his fingers. “You owe me so much for this. I don’t like to share. Ever.”

“What do you want?” she gasped, a strangled cry coming from her lips as she arched into Will’s hands.

“I took Will’s virginity. It’s only fair that I take yours too, don’t you think?” he murmured. Layla’s eyes grew wide and panicked and she sucked in breath to scream. If she was going to lose that too, she wanted it to be to Will, not Warren!

“Scream and I start taking pictures of you too,” he said mildly, which quelled her burgeoning hysteria as effectively as a bucket of cold water. “Stronghold, stand her up.”

Lips still fastened to her breasts, Will pulled her upright, his hands still working above and below. Layla felt her resistance crumbling as her pleasure mounted, her moans louder now.

“I’ll let Will take your pussy, since you want it so bad. I want this,” Warren growled in her ear, pressing himself behind her. One hand, slick with what Layla hoped was lube, suddenly began to press along her ass. Maybe Warren was hoping she’d scream or cry, but Layla only blushed a painful shade of crimson when she found herself wiggling into his probing fingers. When he slipped one inside, she could feel him stiffen in surprise. She was a lot looser than he had expected her to be, and a lot more welcoming.

“You’ve done this before,” he said in what sounded like shock. “Who the hell did you let do you in the ass?”

“No one,” Layla said quickly, moaning when Will added a third finger to her pussy. The stretching from his hand felt wonderful, and her nipples were hard as little pebbles under his ministrations. He was so gentle, just like she’d imagine he’d be. If Warren weren’t behind her, whispering filthy things in her ear, she might have been the happiest girl on the planet.

“No one,” Warren repeated, sounding skeptical. “Then what did you do yourself with?”

Layla’s blush got even hotter, but she was beyond being able to make up a lie.

“Zucchini,” she said quickly. Warren gave a bark of laughter at that and shoved his fingers in hard. Layla jumped, and then shoved back just as hard. Unbeknownst to Will, she had been experimenting with plants from a young age. She had wanted to keep herself intact for Will, her future husband, but curiosity had made her try her remaining hole as a substitute. To her secret shame, she had begun to love playing with her own ass, something she had buried deeply and nearly half-repressed. And to have Warren discover that, to have him toying with her from behind when Will was playing with her in the front, had her practically wanting to puke from embarrassment.

Surely nothing was worse that this right now…

Just as she thought that, Will pulled his hands away, and suddenly things were worse without his touch within her.

“You feel so good Layla,” he whispered, and his eyes flicked over Layla’s shoulder to Warren, seeking something.

“Do her Stronghold,” Warren commanded. Will smiled and pulled back, wrapping his hand around his cock and bringing it up to Layla’s weeping pussy, slowly drawing the massive tip up and down her slit. Layla whined piteously, both for the fact that Warren was still fingering her ass, and Will was ridiculously large. How was he going to fit inside her?

Layla knew a moment of pure fear that Will quickly picked up on. More silent communication over her shoulder had Will going back to her breasts, using his hands at her pussy instead of his over-large cock. She relaxed just a bit until she felt Warren’s hands inside her ass again, scissoring and beginning to loosen her up. She knew he was going to take possession, and wanted to break away.

“You need to relax. You want Will, and you’re going to get him. But if you’re all tense, he’s going to hurt you, and he’d hate that. So I’m going to take care of you,” Warren whispered in her ear. Layla felt trapped in a cage of her own making. She’d asked for Will, and it was too late to take that back now. Like Warren had said, she was willing to take Will any way she could get him.

Wet sounds continued from both her sopping pussy and the lube on Warren’s hand, a strange counterpoint to her own breathy moans. She nearly stopped breathing when she felt the large, hot, blunt head of Warren’s cock touched her ass though. Part of it was she was thinking, This is it. I’m giving up myself to my ex’s boyfriend just to get a sympathy screw from him. Part of it was the fact that the idea of something big like that in her ass excited her. And another part was wondering if the rest of Warren’s sex skills were a match for his kisses.

Moaning lightly, Warren slowly pushed into her ass, his incredible heat feeling nearly burning inside her, his cock stretching her and twitching, delving into whole new places inside her. Layla clamped down hard on him, feeling every ridge and vein, every pulse and movement. This was so much better than the zucchini that there was no comparison, and she felt herself quickly becoming addicted to the feeling of Warren’s cock in her ass.

“Oh… Yes,” she whispered, and heard Warren chuckle in satisfaction.

“How’s she doing Stronghold?” Warren asked casually, thrusting up into her and making her gasp.

“She’s so wet…” Will said in wonder, more of his fingers delving into her. Three, then four, so wet from her own juices that there was little pain. “Warren, I can feel you,” he said, his voice husky. Warren’s breath caught as Will stroked along his length, a membrane away inside Layla’s ass. He thrust again and again inside her, wanting to feel Will’s hands through her body, as Layla cried out in helpless pleasure.

More and more of Will’s hand began to disappear inside her, and if it hurt, she couldn’t tell over the fullness and heat of Warren’s cock in her ass. She was breathing in sharp pants when she realized Will had most of his hand inside her, making her feel stretched and full to the breaking point.

“Layla, I need to feel Warren,” Will said, almost apologetically, and worked his hand out. She barely had time to squeak when he had pressed his huge cock to her soaking entrance, and began to push in. What had frightened her minutes before was now a welcome invasion. Wet enough that her juices were trickling past her knees, high pitched moans coming from her mouth from the wonderful feeling in her ass, and now Will, the one she had wanted from the beginning, was claiming her.

Big as he was, Layla wondered if she might burst from the pressure within her. Will moved further and further in, sliding along her slick inner flesh, until he was pressed against her strained barrier.

“Are you sure Layla?” Will asked, actually looking her fully in the face for the first time. Layla nodded, shuddering and gasping, and then shrieked at the sudden stab of pain as Will took her virginity. The two began to thrust against each other, suddenly heedless of her pain as their own pleasure kicked in. Will’s hugeness in her pussy was wonderful, and a warmth as intense as what Warren generated began to flush through her skin at the feelings.

Her true love in her pussy, her first and only, and Warren’s frighteningly good cock in her ass, and Layla felt content and complete, deliberately not thinking of what had led her here.

“Will, God Will I…” Warren gasped, his back arching and shoving into her harder. Layla couldn’t push back against one without withdrawing from the other, and Will soon solved her problem by picking her up off her feet entirely and holding her between them. Like a rag doll, she shook between their thrusts, trying to take the feelings into her, to never forget them, to shut out the fact that they weren’t calling her name, they were calling for each other, that they were now kissing over her shoulder, clutching each other’s hands, nearly crushing the breath out of her in their own frantic passion.

The creeping flush exploded out of her at the pressure, pleasure, and heat, and she stiffened in their arms as wave over wave of sensation crashed through her. Will gasped slightly, and Warren captured his mouth with his own, muffling the sounds, claiming them for his own. Clearly, Warren didn’t want her to know that she had any affect on him. Will was his, not hers, and he wouldn’t let her forget that.

As if she could forget.

Layla gasped as her body seized again and again in orgasm, from Will’s size or Warren’s heat, the fact that she was being shared, or the twisted culmination of a worn-out dream she refused to let go. She knew she was screaming when Will finally released, gasping out, “I love you.” She could pretend it was to her, but his eyes were locked with Warren’s over her shoulder. Will’s declaration did it for Warren, and Layla shoved back hard when Warren’s searing hot semen bathed her insides, a high pitched strangled gasp issuing from her lips as her body convulsed in pleasure again.

Breathing raggedly, she only whimpered when both of them pulled out; only Will’s hold around her waist kept her from falling to the ground. She hissed slightly, covering up the sudden intense pain as her body slowly tried to contract from its invasion. She felt torn and ragged, empty and hollow, privileged, loved, and hated all at the same time. Layla had never quite understood the “afterglow effect,” but she did now. She might be feeling used, but she also suddenly wanted to repeat the act, no matter the consequences.

Whore. Disgusting, dirty whore, her mind snarled at her. She ignored it.

“Go clean yourself up, and Will’s going to take you home. Your shirt’s a total loss,” Warren said sharply, dragging her to the bathroom. Tears wouldn’t come as she scrubbed herself off, and she knew she must be in shock. She’d come to try to salvage her life, not even thinking about how Will or Warren might feel about it. She’d lost him, both of them. She’d lost their respect, and most of her own as well. She’d tried to be stubborn, and ended up only being used when she tried to do the using herself. Yes, she’d had Will. But she should have been careful what she wished for.

When Layla finally came out, Will loaned her a t-shirt and flew her home in his arms. She hadn’t tried to touch him any more than necessary, knowing she’d lost that right.

“We’ll see you at school. And maybe after, Warren says,” Will had commented when he’d dropped her off at her bedroom. Then he’d flow right back to Warren’s house without a second glance. It was very clear that Warren was calling all the shots here. He’d run this game from start to finish, and he’d call every move from now on, no matter what she would try.

Layla had stared out the window for a long time after Will left, tears frozen inside her, but her hand absently caressing along her own thigh.


At school, Layla quickly found out what Warren had in mind for her. He was probably never going to forgive her for intruding on his time with Will, and was determined to give her full measure for the humiliation of being spied on and potentially blackmailed. Far too late Layla realized how private Warren was, and how far he’d go to protect those he loved, and punished those he hated.

In her locker she’d found he’d dropped her a note that told her to meet him in the boy’s locker room just before lunch. There wasn’t anything else on it, no threat, but a thumbprint was scorched into the corner. Slipping away from her friends was easy; she’d often go outside to enjoy the plants during lunchtime. But there would be no revelry in the biosphere today.

The locker room was deserted at this hour, and she found Warren in the showers, arms folded and his expression dark.

“Warren?” she asked tentatively, her hands starting to shake.

“Will felt guilty about fucking you. It took me two hours and five orgasms to get him to see reason,” he said quietly, his voice cold and clinical, very practiced and measured. “You don’t understand how much I love him. He is the one good thing in my life, and I will not let anything interfere. Especially you.”

“I’m so sorry-,” she started, but Warren cut her off.

“I saw your face, felt your body. You got off… what, five or six times when we fucked you?” he demanded. Layla only blushed furiously for an answer, but he nodded with satisfaction. “I thought so. Will liked feeling me through you. I liked it too… it’s different.”

Layla felt her mouth start to go dry even as tingles began to spread through her body, heat beginning to curl in her belly.

“He wouldn’t mind doing it again, just to keep you happy. The boy’s not gay, and I’m not going to try to confine him and lose him because of that. So you’re in, when we want you,” he said.

“What?” Layla asked, shocked.

“You want whatever you can get with him? Fine. You get it when I say so,” he said, taking a few steps forward. It took most of Layla’s courage to not step back; he looked positively evil right then.

“But, I-.”

“No. Listen to me. You come when I say you do, you take what we give you, and everybody’s happy.”

A tiny remaining crumb of outrage surfaced, perhaps her last.

“I’m not your slave!” she shouted, stepping forward to slap him. He caught her hand with contemptuous ease and threw her against the tiled wall face-first. Layla managed to keep from knocking herself silly, but Warren had her pinned against the wall before she could think to move.

“No,” he breathed in her ear. “You’re not our slave. You’re our toy.”

She heard the pop of a button and rattle of a zipper, and then a few wet noises. Slick fingers suddenly delved beneath her skirt and under her panties, pressing into her ass.

“Tell me to stop,” he said, pausing. The threat was still clear; if she said stop, she’d never be able to get close to Will again. Warren had too many of her numbers to her to resist.

Layla found herself eagerly pushing back at the welcome invasion, the heat in her belly almost exploding outward as he played with her. She let the pleasure below build even as her eyes burned with tears. Quickly he stripped her panties off and flipped her skirt up, and she could feel the slick heat of his cock against her back entrance.

“You are our toy. You are just an object for my convenience, you got that? I keep Will satisfied, and if that means using you, then that’s fine.”

Humiliation made her almost faint. She was no different than any other sex toy to him. But then Warren shoved that wonderfully slick, hard, hot cock deep into her ass, and she sighed in bliss. Nothing, other than Will, had made her body feel so good as he did when he was fucking her.

Weak. Weak pathetic whore, her mind screamed.

I know I am, she admitted, shoving back hard to meet Warren’s thrusts.

“Will’s dad won’t accept us; he knows it and I know it. So eventually he might have to marry you, for form’s sake. But I call the shots. He might kiss you on his wedding day, but he’s going to be looking at me, and thinking about how I make him feel,” Warren continued relentlessly, pounding his plan for Layla’s new life into her brain even as he pounded her from behind.

“If you hadn’t made me Will’s friend, I would have roasted you alive for spying on us,” Warren growled dangerously, his thrusts becoming more violent. “If you do anything to mess with his head, I will throw you off the goddamned school, do you understand?”

Layla nodded weakly, breathing harshly into the tiled wall. She’d never understood the concept of hate sex before now. Why would you make love to someone you didn’t like? But now she thought she understood. Warren didn’t want her; he hated her for putting him in a position where he had to share Will with her. And he wanted her to know how much he hated, in every possible way.

“You are nothing to me. You’re only breathing right now because that makes him happy. I would do anything for him. Even you,” he snarled. “You will do everything I tell you.”

Layla nodded her acquiescence, accepting her new role as eagerly as she accepted Warren’s cock into her body. She’d be with Will again, maybe for the rest of her life, living a sham, but it would still be with him. She’d be used, over and over, and she’d enjoy it at the time, even love it. But afterward she’d probably loathe herself and cry.

It didn’t matter though. She’d never take the easy way out.

She was too weak to tell him to stop.

fic, warren/will, slash, layla, will stronghold, sky high, warren peace, threesome, dubcon

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