The Good Earth

Jan 17, 2009 03:45

Title:  The Good Earth
Author:  Jaune Chat
Fandom:  Heroes
Spoilers:  Just after S2 finale
Rating:  NC-17 for sexual content (masturbation)
Charater:  Adam
Word Count:  526
Summary:  This was written for the Heroes Annoymous Kink Meme II, for the prompt:  "Adam, masturbation, mud/dirt."  The prompt was so unique that I had to do it.

There was nothing to do in a coffin but wait. Wait for his lungs to burn into nothing, to die again and again, to heal and wait some more. He'd kicked half the coffin lid to pieces in his initial frustration, and the dirt now pressed heavily on his waist and legs, adding to his misery.

And after a while, dying and coming back to life was boring. Adam needed something else to do. You didn't live for as long as he had without learning to entertain yourself in otherwise impossible situations.

Fantasizing helped keep him sane, pretending that the lack of air was the hands of an asphyxiating lover, the heaviness in his head harmonizing to the pulsing of his veins, thrumming through him harder and harder with each death. Breathing in the thick foul air, Adam’s hands clenched on the earth at his waist, burrowing and digging through the intolerable weight, needing to relieve the sudden pressure in his pants.

The cool earth and thick loamy smell penetrated deep into his oxygen-deprived brain, tickling onto his skin as he managed to reach the button on his trousers. He could feel his cock pounding in syncopated rhythm with his aching head, and sighed into the darkness when he released it. Clammy earth fell onto his heated flesh, and as he managed to get a hand around his shaft, the dirt almost encased it like a second skin. There wasn’t anywhere else for the soil to go.

Adam didn’t care, and ran his gritty hand along his shaft, feeling the mud sliding along with him, adding a rasping pain that thrilled along his nerves. The pain Adam ignored, changed, forced to feel good. He could ignore death, forget pain, and turn the intolerable into the fantastic, at least in this state of mind. The damp earth worked its way into every crevice and crack, closing in tight, tighter than the tightest person Adam had ever been in.

He moaned as he forced his hand to move again and again in the prison of earth, long strokes of ecstatic muddy closeness. The earth couldn’t squirm away from him, couldn’t turn against him, couldn’t cajole or promise him lies. It couldn’t be the Princess who rejected him, or Elle who seduced him, or Hiro who betrayed him. It was all of that and more, his and his alone.

Adam’s jaw clenched tight, his stomach a knot of anticipation as his hand moved furiously, smoothing the earth over his shaft, pressing it around the head, his other hand pressing it deep into his body, filling him. He was fucking the earth and the earth was fucking him, both at once, never leaving, never stopping, on and on and on and on…!

Screaming out into the darkness, Adam came, pulsing out with frantic jerks of his hips and hand, smoothing the new mud around his softening cock, encasing it more firmly into the sweet earth. Breathing and dying and living again, Adam relaxed in his coffin. It might be days or months or years before he got out again, but at least now he had something to keep him occupied.

adam monroe, fic, kink meme, solo m, heroes

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