Dec 01, 2007 21:00

OK, so I'm already freaking out trying to get ready for my trip to Indonesia tomorrow. I remain thoroughly unready, have been informed that I'm unable to get a boarding pass in advance for the 3 international legs of my trip so will likely be cramped in a shit seat, and to top it off, just now...

A friend of Sarah's brought over her dog, and in the 3 minutes that they were here this fucking dog managed to find my work laptop (which was on as I'm struggling to get everything together) has been soaked in urine. Yes, all in the keyboard and everything. I believe I have managed to get it mostly cleaned up and my keyboard is now drying. But if anything goes wrong with that machine, which is essential for this trip, I am losing my shit. Of all the places this dog (supposedly housebroken) could have fucking urinated, it chose my laptop? Sarah's dog has never pissed anywhere inside, or chewed on anything, which I suppose I should be really thankful for now! OK, back to the grindstone...
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