BSG 2003 Fic: What Dreams May Come, 1/2

Dec 03, 2007 21:46

Title:       What Dreams May Come 
Rating:   PG-13
Pairing:  Lee/Kara
Setting:  Season 3 between Maelstrom and Crossroads, spoilers for same.

Summary:  Lee felt like this was all part of his past, but if that were the case, where was his present?

What Dreams May Come

Major Cottle checked the read outs on the machines that were monitoring his patient's vital signs. He made a minor adjustment to one of the IV drips then shook his head. "Not good." He said quietly to the person standing on the other side of the bed.


Lee awoke abruptly when the cold wet cloth smacked into his face.

"What the frak?" He grumpily said, pulling the cloth off is face, vaguely registering the pain in his arm and chest muscles as he did so.

Kara laughed. "Good morning Lee." She said. "As much as I love watching you sleep, I want my couch back."

"Couch?" Lee mumbled. Where the heck would Kara get a couch on the Galactica? More importantly, where would she put one?

"Wow. You really were trashed last night." Kara answered. "Tell me you don't remember where you are, because that would be a new one for you, Adama."

Lee squinted, he really didn't have any idea where he was, but the light was still too bright for him to fully open his eyes to find out.

"You win." He said, his voice gravelly from the sandpaper that was coating the inside of his mouth and throat. "Where am I?"

Kara shook her head. "My apartment."

Lee snapped awake and sat up suddenly.

Too suddenly.

The bright sun light sent a searing pain through his head, the room started spinning and he felt a sudden urge to vomit.

"I need the head." He said, covering his mouth. Kara pointed in the general direction of her bathroom and he made it there just in time.


He splashed cool water on his face, rinsed his mouth, and braced himself against the sink as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Was it possible that he had gotten so drunk that he had passed out with absolutely no recollection of the night before? And why would he wake up thinking they were stationed aboard Galactica?

When he emerged from the bathroom, she was in the kitchen washing dishes. She turned when she heard his footsteps.

"You ok?" She asked with a look of concern.

Lee nodded.

"You still look pale. You're not gonna hurl again, are you?"

"No." He replied, though he wasn't exactly sure he could keep that promise. His head throbbed unmercifully, and every inch of his upper body ached.

"Well, the next time I throw a party, remind me to cut you off early." She teased, but when Lee continued to look confused, looking around her apartment as if he'd never seen it before, she turned serious. "You're freaking me out, Lee."

“I’m sorry.” He said distractedly. “I just can’t shake this feeling that we’re not supposed to be here.”

“Oh? Where are we supposed to be?” She asked.

“Galactica.” Lee replied after a hesitant pause.

Kara stared blankly for him for a moment then snorted. “Oh, yeah, right. The Galactica. That’s the last place you’d want to be.”

“Why?” Lee asked.

“Under your father’s command? Come on, Lee. Don’t you get enough ribbing about getting special privileges because of who your daddy is?” She tossed him a towel and he walked to the sink to help dry.

“No, I’ll be staying here to teach basic flight,” she continued, “and you will be the best viper pilot The Atlantia has ever seen. Commander Akamas will make you it’s CAG in no time.” She smiled proudly up at him. When he failed to react to her compliment, she reached up and kissed the tip of his nose. “Say ‘thank you.’”

Lee’s hand lifted absently to touch the spot where Kara’s lips had been, and he looked at her, confused. “The Atlantia? I took that assignment when I left War College….”

“Why are you talking in the past tense?”

He didn’t know, other than he felt like The Atlantia was part of his past. But if that were the case, then where was the present? He shook his head. It was all too surreal and Lee was a cold, hard facts kind of guy. This sort of crap was more up Zak‘s alley. He‘d argue about whether or not trees falling in empty forests made a sound all day long if you let him.

“Zak.” Lee mumbled dreamily.

“What about Zak?” Kara asked.

“He’s…?” Lee couldn’t finish. The word ‘dead’ sat on the tip of his tongue, but he refrained from speaking it. Zak wasn’t dead. Yet, he wasn’t entirely sure that was right.

“Meeting us for dinner?” Kara finished for him.

“He is?” He felt relieved.

“Yeah, Lee. He finished his first year at the academy. You and I just completed training and got our assignments. We’re getting together to celebrate. Don’t you remember?”

His brow furrowed as he tried to remember that - or something - anything prior to waking up in this apartment.

Kara cupped his face in her hands. “Maybe I should take you over to the infirmary…”

“No.” He said brushing her off. “I’m fine. Just a bad hangover, right? I just need a hot shower and a handful of aspirin, and I’ll be fine. Good as new.” He tried to sound more confident than he felt. He smiled warmly. “Am I picking you up later?”

Kara nodded. “Eighteen hundred ok?” She asked, sliding her arms around his neck. She lowered her voice to a more seductive tone. “We don’t have to meet Zak at the restaurant until nineteen thirty and I figured we could have our own private celebration first.”

Lee swallowed hard. Him and Kara? Surely the gods weren’t so cruel as to steal that memory from him. And yet, here she was coming on to him. He leaned down and tentatively met her lips with his. The kiss became hot and hungry and when they broke apart, Kara winked at Lee while he tried to catch his breath. “Make that seventeen thirty, flyboy.” She said. “I just thought of something nasty I want to do to you.”


A long nap and hot shower had sloughed off the last remnants of the hangover and Lee felt refreshed. Even his memory had returned for the most part.

He ran through the basics: He and Kara had met in their first year at the academy and had hit it off immediately. They were friends first, lovers later and things between them couldn’t be better.

His little brother, Zak, followed him into the academy and was already creating his own reputation. One that was the complete opposite of Lee’s studious one.

Lee and Kara had just completed their training and were enjoying a few free days before starting their new assignments. Last night was a party at Kara’s for some friends from their class. He made a mental note to never drink like that again - or more importantly - never to rise to Woodrow’s challenge that he could out drink anyone in the room. Though he was sure waking up believing he was fighting for the survival of the human race aboard his father’s ship and that Zak had died in a viper crash just out of basic flight was part of the effects of the hangover, he still had trouble writing them off as delusions.

He opened the medicine cabinet and reached for the bottle of aspirin, however the pain in his head and chest that were there when he came home, were decidedly better. He replaced the bottle, checked his reflection in the mirror and decided against shaving. He’d be doing that every day soon enough and besides, Kara liked him scruffy.


“So, Zak,” Kara said over her beer, “I heard you painted your LT’s room pink.”

Lee snorted. “No frakking way.”

Zak laughed. “It got me two hundred laps around the campus and a week cleaning the head, but it was totally worth it for the look on that bastard‘s face.”

“Keep it up and you’re going to get kicked out.” Lee warned. “Your last name will only protect you so much.”

“Remove the stick, Lee.” Kara said. “It’s not like you didn’t pull crap in your first year.”

“True.” Lee conceded. “But it was always because you dragged me into one of your crazy plans, and we never got caught.”

Lee vaguely registered Kara telling Zak about one of their exploits. The pain in his head had returned with a sudden vengeance, bringing with it a loud ringing in his ears.

“….isn’t that right Lee?” Kara’s voice came from a distance. “Lee?”

He pushed back from the table, suddenly unable to breathe. A sharp pain tore through his chest as he stood up and he collapsed to the floor.

Chapter 2

lee/kara, bsg fanfic, what dreams may come

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