
Jul 26, 2005 22:36

Ooo yea..thanks guys for all the "supportive" comments... Well just got home from school...and gosh i have 3...3....3!!! assignments due for next month... And i din know one is due on the 15th!!..can u imagine..?? Normally it suppose to be assignment 1 due then assignemtn 2 then so on....but this...!! aaa~!!!! assginment 1 due 29th assignemnt due 15th august...gee..goood thing we were discussing bout assignemtn juz now..Weell...as u can c i'll be jammed packed starting like noW....hmmph! This is going to be a LonG SemestEr...I cAn vEry clEarLy c dAt nOw BtW....thE aNswer tO the BurninG quEsTion of Why wE aRe whErE wE aRe.....as wRitteN bY StEvEn CuRtis ChApmAn

"God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting
God is God and I am man
So I’ll never understand it all For only God is God....."
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