Geek Blasphemy - Normal people, keep walking

Dec 15, 2005 14:22

Am I the only one on the planet that hates Firefox?

I've been using it for a couple of months now. I've tried to like it. I really have. It is afterall, the "best product of 2004, 2005, EVAR, etc." according to the fawning press and geeks everywhere. Why don't I like it?

I find it slower (probably due to Microsoft's ability to integrate IE into the OS. At the moment, I don't care. Fast is fast.). I don't "get" tabbed browsing (wooooooo. It's like different windows, but not!). Also, the design just seemed amateurish (probably because I'm used to M$'s tripe). The only things it had going for it (for me anyway) were the plug-ins and the nifty way you'd be sure a settings change was applied to each open window by confirming with each of said windows. Nice and secure.

This brings us to the straw that broke the camel's back. I just upgraded from "Firefox 1.something or other" to 1.5. The little nag button on the top right that kept flashing red finally convinced me to do so.

Finally biting the bullet, I clicked it, and it let me know that Firefox 1.5 was a critical update and I could click it to begin the install (way easy!). Of course, it just sat there for 20 minutes picking it's nose. I downloaded it manually (critical update afterall!) and installed. Nice. Easy.

Then it informed me that all of my plug-ins were broken and that it'd have to download new versions for the new browser. Automatic process, it said. Nice. Easy. Then it informed me that software installs were blocked. Nice and secure. Click here to edit options. I've edited every #%*&#)$(*@ option in the menu it takes me to (and several others), but I still cannot install my plug-ins.

If I cared (and didn't have a perfectly good browser on my PC already), I'd try to figure out why. Life is too short, however, so Goodbye Firefox!

I feel much better now cradled in the soft comforting bosom of monopoly.
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