I don't like Thursdays because I have a Chem lab.
I don't like Thursdays because Chem lab lasts for three hours. Three hours where I feel and act like a clueless airhead, and where everybody knows it.
I don't like Thursdays because I have to wait 6 more days till the next episode of House.
I don't like Thursdays because I have to stay at uni till 6, which is 9 hours better spent sleeping.
I don't like Thursdays because I have developed a special knack of tripping over stairs of some sort in front of a large group of people. (three Thursdays in a row, and I bear the scars as a souvenir.)
I don't like Thursdays because unfortunately they are not Fridays. Everyday should be a Friday.
I feel sorry for my lab instructor. He showed the first signs of frustration this morning when he was explaining almost every question in the lab to me because I was not logical enough to understand any of the concepts of chemistry involved in answering these questions. Rate law and reactions and chemical kinetics, if you're interested. He also came running at the first noise of a beaker hitting the table, the solution of thiosulfate ions spilling onto my lab table, whilst I was unsuccessfully pipetting a small amount. It wasn't poisonous or anything, he joked that I wouldn't get cancer or anything dangerous. Yet he wasn't letting me clean up the spill, preferring to wipe my pencil case himself. I couldn't even say anything reasonably coherent in response/defense. When he asked me what the square of 2 was, I actually had to think. Being braindead, lacking in confidence, and generally feeling bad at my inadequacies, I mumbled, yepped and said 'cool' a lot when I addressed the guy. The woman sitting across from me, who had never done a chem unit was finding it easier than I was. Eventually he gave up on me, saying that at least I gave the questions a go and that I should go to lunch. I feel like such a dumbass. I was braindead because I stayed up till 1 am trying to do the stupid pre-lab, and I got up at about 6 to get ready for my 1st lecture. Lets face it, I'm not good at labs. My biology labs are going just as disastrously, but at least my bio lab instructor does not ask me to think about the questions when I ask him for help. I think this is a sign that I'm not meant to proceed to a career in research. I'm just drifting along right now, and I feel like I'm wasting my time in uni...I haven't a clue what I'm meant to be doing.