Yuletide 2015 letter

Oct 20, 2015 23:41

In general:
I'm not interested in AU's, genderswapping, issue or holiday fic.
While I don't mind high rating, I prefer plot over porn.

Showjumping RPF
Steve Guerdat

This has been a very turbulent year for Steve.
There was the decision to crash through the last fence at the World Cup, just to get over the finish line without a time fault, so he could finally win this title.
Then there was the contaminated horse feed, the yellow press screaming that it was just more lies and unbelievable excuses of an athlete, who was caught with his hands in the medication box. But rather than just claim that he was innocent of doping, he went on to find the contamination, sending every last grain of feed to the laboratory, spending all his money to provide facts.
And then he went to Aachen anyway to support his team, even if he couldn’t start on the Championship himself.

I’d adore anything you choose to write about this year in Steve’s life.
If you’re not into the angst of the last few months, any light and/or funny story about shenanigans in Las Vegas are welcome too. (Remember, over 10 of his cousins went there with him and dressed up as roman soldiers.)
If you prefer to write anything romantic, I could see him shipped together with Gregory Wathelet (who wrote that wonderful statement of support after the suspension), Martin Fuchs (hero worship turned into a real friendship) or Kevin Staut on the m/m side. On the het side either with Penelope Leprevost (threesome with KS welcome as well) or Luciana Diniz.

The Great Library
Christopher Wolfe, Niccolo Santi

I had a feeling that Wolfe and Santi were behaving like an old married couple long before they turned out to be an old married couple.

I’d like for you to go explore their past together. How they first fell in love as postulants. How they had to deal with being kept apart and how they managed to find each other again afterwards.
Casefic about them dealing with book smuggling would also be something I would like to see.

I admit, I had my problems with some of the worldbuilding in the book, and I haven’t fully extended my believe in some of the things, because there still is a lot of explanation missing. I hope we get more of that in the next book
For now, I would rather not receive any worldbuilding for this fandom.

Der Bestatter
Anna-Maria Giovanoli, Pedro Lambert

I love the dynamic Anna-Maria and Pedro had in Season 2. I didn’t like Season 3 all that much, with Anna-Maria and Luc splitting up for no real reason, and Pedro suddenly falling helplessly in love with Stella. Also the end of season 3? Handwave away please!

This too is a great fandom for casefic and local colorit (if you know the area). Undercover romance and sex will work perfectly for this fandom, as it is pretty much canon anyway. (Perhaps an alternate take on the hotel scene?)

I like all the main characters in this show, so feel free to also include them however you want. (Even ditch the nominated and requested characters would be fine for this)
Have Semmelweiss get shot (again!), Reto take up Erika’s offer to join the shooting club or explore the past romantic adventures of Fabio, the show only hinted at.
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