May 23, 2004 01:06
I haven't been posting here, well, probably because I bought myself a nice little paper journal, and it's so much more satisfying to really feel, hear those words flowing through the pen and holding the paper. Something profoundly comforting about ink.
Still, I figure this is still a reasonable medium by which to contact a series of people that it seems I never see, and so...
7%. That's all the damn box is. Heh, all that stress. I'll get there, everything in perspective, which is no perspective. Readopting existentialism, I know it's a fallback, but it's just so nice to sit back and say 'What me worry?'. Philosophically, I object to this idea of perspective, it's about moments, and enjoying each one. Freeing each one. I've already wasted weeks stressing. Fundamentally, it's not worth it. Ah, so nice to say it though. Maybe I'll give up on the VCE and join a theatre company. My only regret would be losing a whole bunch of people in doing so, and frankly, I'd rather be without that regret.
Sounds corny, but I think I've managed to slide out from under the rat race, mentally, if not physically.
ANYWAY, this, this is for the assembly, of those I never, it seems, see:
How are you? Where are you? When where what who WHY? Gah. Don't pull a vanisher on me, darling. TALK to me. Expect a call in the next coupla days, hear?
Ditto for you. Though I suppose I've been kinda distant for awhile. Come, children, let me share my spiritual enlightenment! How's the writing running? I needs must know!
Eh. I see you every day, Schmuck. Gorgeous bastard. I hear you're running away to VoxM?
Pull your finger out you dilapidated fungus. I think losing your beard lobotomised you. ;)
I found a screwdriver set. One, in particular, that was over seven inches long. Scared the HELL out of me, looks like a... well, use your imagination.
Eh. I don't know what the purpose of this excercise was. Maybe t'was just a 'HI! I'm still here!' kinda thing. So there you go: 'HI! I'm still here!'
You're all wonderful, (except you, Bower, you're metaphysically unstable), and talk to me. The guru is listening.