Apr 19, 2007 10:34
Well last night was the last night of bowling on Wednesdays. That means the jackpots were doubled and it was also pick-a-partner doubles as well. Thats where you pick different people in the league to be doubles with ($10 a team). I got in with like 25 to 30 people. Well, first game I shot 258 and took 2nd place for high game first game. Second game I had the first 11 strikes and got 9 on the last ball for 299. I took 2nd place that game as well since someone else shot 300 that same game. Then the last game I shot 247 for my best series ever of 804. Thats two more rings for me, one for 299 and the one I've wanted a long time... 800 series ring. This was the best night for me to bowl good since all jackpots were doubled and doubles night. Well in the end I won $1,950. I need that money so bad to get new tires, fix my tailgate, get a bed cover, and pay bills. I'm sooooooooo happy right now. Best I've ever shot so far.