Jun 09, 2006 18:40
Will this be a good change for Justin? Will it be more bad news?
Last night I had softball at Total Sports like I do every Thursday. I normally play a double header, one at 7:20 and one at 8:30. The fields we're playing on are back-to-back which sucks. The other two diamonds are normal and fenced in while ours arent. In otherwords, our outfields are shared. We're the home team so we're in the field first, then hit in the bottom of the inning which is a good thing. Well, first inning in the field goes fairly good, we get the first three outs pretty fast just giving up 2 runs. After the outs, I'm playing outfield so I start running in and I hear "Heads up" and not a second later I'm on the ground. A line shot that goes about 350 feet from the other diamond hit me in the head in the AIR, not 3 inches from my temple. Soon as it hit me, I blacked out for about 20-30 seconds and wake up with my outfield and their outfield standing around me. I was on the ground for about 3-4 minutes and I get up. I'm extremely dizzy and make my way back to the dugout. I have a huge knot in my head from the impact. I couldnt stop playing because we were short anyway. Well, I was dizzy for both games last night, got home and put ice on it and fell asleep. Today, I'm somewhat dizzy still but not nearly as bad and it hurts if I touch it. It feels like I have a buzz from drinking, but ALL the time. I looked up the symptoms of concussions, and I have the dizziness down, but none of the others except for the part where I blacked out. I have no nausea or anything. If I'm dizzy tomorrow too, I'm going to the doctor to see whats wrong. Man, what the hell did I do to deserve what has been happening in my life. My grandfather is still alive, but its anyday now....