State of the Fennec
Out of Work... Again
So on Monday I left work never to return to the job that I just got. As you may have read on earlier journal posts, I ended up despising the job that I thought I would like (they were very good salespeople for the position, but it was a lemon!). Anyway, I found out that the team was highly unprofessional, argumentative, bitter, and horrible communicators. Bugs got closed and reopened tens of times with nobody walking over and explaining the problems, tasks were vague, people were always passing the buck, some engineers were openly insubordinate, and one was shopping for a beer making kit on his company laptop during a meeting. It was ridiculous. They were more concerned about window dressings (is this the right color for this status bar?) than fixing critical flaws in the program flow that would not-only crash client software, but put corrupt data into the database that would break the product.
Finally I lost it with them and took my manager aside. I don’t remember what exactly I said... I was furious... but the term “unprofessional” came up at least once. She considered me insubordinate, because I refused to drop the critical issues (I stayed late to work on them, using my own time), when she explicitly told me to. Finally I resolved that I could no longer work there and called my recruiter, asking him to keep looking for more positions for me. I couldn’t stay.
But then on Monday my boss took me aside and said she didn’t feel that she could trust me, and so she’d change my role at the company to have less responsibility until she felt comfortable giving me more important tasks again (in other words “Compromise my quality standards”). I told her no, and explained that I took a job with the understanding that I would be doing certain tasks and using certain technologies, and I would not accept a lesser role. She basically said “Take it or leave it”, and so I politely decided to leave it, which I suspect is ultimately what she wanted.
Anyway - I am once more unemployed. Fennec is sad, but not as sad as he would be if he had stayed.
Now That I Am Unemployed (Again)....
… maybe I can actually do all the crap I promised myself that I would do the last time I was jobless.
New Artwork Up On FA
I have added a lot of artwork up on FA since the last time I posted a State of the Fennec. Since then, Portal2 was released - I had an idea a few months ago about something that someone *had* to do as a furry erotica tribute to it... and so I took it upon myself to do it myself. There's a few different versions of it...
The originalWith No textEnd-Credits Version (extra punny) And I also posted
this pic by Alchera.
Morphicon Approaches!
Less than a month left before the first convention-event Frozen Oasis party. It should be epic. Being out of work again has sort-of put a crimp on me though, I have to say. There's a good chance I won't be able to pick up all the stuff I wanted to bring to Morphicon to help make the event even-more special. I suppose that just means I'll have to come up with more creative means of pimping out the Adam's room that doesn't cost any money. I already have a few ideas....
Anyway I hope to see you all there. I hope even more that I have a decent job again by then, but we'll see.
And I think that's it for now... nothing new to report.
Wish me luck!