Because it's not any less true today///

Feb 14, 2006 08:00

Happy Me-Day everyone!

I honestly can't stand people who gripe and complain Valentine's day. Who say it's an over commercialized and petty holiday for all the lovey-dovey people of the world to rub it in the noses of the non-attached. For all you "SAD" celebrators or those who insist on calling Valentine's Day "VD", get over yourself. Hating the 14th is sooo 2001.

If it's a day that can remind us not to take for granted the special people in our lives, a day that makes the world a little better, or a day that love really can exist, then its childish and frankly selfish tp try and ruin it for those that aren't depressed and emo. Get out and do something. Even if you're too much of a loser to ask a special someone, take the time to celebrate the bond you share with your friends and family.

Though as the good Whistler said "Go out? Real men do not go out on Valentine's day"

Besides, with a last name like mine, none of you have an excuse to hate it if I don't. The puns....oh god the puns....

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