ComupterwelteyeshakingkingFebruary 11 2005, 18:01:04 UTC
Imagine how fraggin' complicated that shit was to program back in 73. Evertime I listen to Irrlicht my respect for the man grows. ,/ (dAS POSSED TO BE A CHECK MARK, YO) Tod Dockstader; cool shit.
Re: ComupterweltjaspernotochordFebruary 11 2005, 20:17:39 UTC
i know man, that is a daunting looking set up. i'd love to be able to fiddle with an analogue synth and/or sequencer sometime. or make my own out of oscillators and signal generators. you know the first marketed product Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard made was an audio oscillator? manufactured in their garage, no less. straight fuckin dope, if you ask me.
rob a bank sometime, me and you? Edmund Scientific Co. shopping spree?
Tod Dockstader, eh? thanks for the rec, man. i think i've heard that name before. musique concrete guy?
i love pictures of this man and his unGodly array of synth. that kool krazy kraut!
rob a bank sometime, me and you? Edmund Scientific Co. shopping spree?
Tod Dockstader, eh? thanks for the rec, man. i think i've heard that name before. musique concrete guy?
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