Ashley, Jackson, Nikki, Peter, and Elizabeth (turns out Kellan was unable to attend) participated at the Official Twilight Convention in LA today. They answered questions onstage together for a little less than an hour.
Q: Who would you bring back from the dead to talk to?
Jackson: He would say Ghandi, but he's worried about zombies. He wouldn't want to talk about peace with Ghandi if he's really a zombie trying to eat his head.
Q: Most embarrassing moment on set?
Jackson: Getting his foot stuck in the stirrup and kind of falling out of the saddle for the scene in Eclipse where he's riding a horse. He said he fell on his face. Also embarrassing when Kellan's fist hit his head and he had a little concussion, because Jasper is supposed to be the good fighter!
Q: What did you want to be when you were younger?
Ashley: She took psychology classes in school. Then she decided she wanted to be an actor. She shattered her parents' dreams of her being a lawyer.
Q: If anyone could play you in a movie, who would it be?
Ashley: Meryl Streep, because she's awesome.
Q: If you were stranded on a desert island with one of your cast members, who would it be?
Ashley: Jackson.
Jackson: I win.
Q: If you weren't an actor, what would you be doing?
Jackson: Playing music and sleeping.
Other things said:
-Jackson said Eclipse is his favorite of the Twilight books
-Liz said Jackson looks hot
-Peter and Liz said Jackson has a nice spray tan in his backstory scene, but Jackson said he didn't need a sprayed-on tan
-Jackson said 100 Monkeys got the Jasper pillow and put it on the bass drum as a joke
-When Peter's mic went out, Jackson said it was because Peter swore so much onstage at the MTV Movie Awards
-Jackson said he is neither sweet nor tart
-Jackson said he loves his family, and they're the ones that keep him grounded in the entertainment industry
-Jackson said there's a dark side in everyone, and his dark side is blonde
-Jackson said there's a dark side in everyone and he channels his aggressive side to play Jasper
-Jackson said he loved working with the 3 directors
Pics (these are all taken via phones of people in the audience. Hopefully we'll get decent photos in the near future):
source: Twitter
Edit: See better quality pics