Just another manic Monday

Mar 05, 2007 14:24

Was late for work today.
haha..  knucklehead.

This past weekend was incredible.  Our little singles group gets along great & to truly define how nerdy we all must be, Jeanene & I bought matching shirts for us all to wear on St. Paddy's Day.

Gotta call from the Big D today sayin' shes in Venice Beach doin' a shoot & wants to come on down if she gets the chance.
I'm cool with it but I'd definitely want to hang out at like a bar or somewhere..  not my house.

Tim is coming out on the 17th for a week long vacation & Power 'n I are taking him out here in Sandy Eggo, up to Vegas & then over to Pheonix.    fuckin' packed week of craziness.

I've got another friend from Illinois that I just recently started talking to again & she says that she'd love to come out to visit as well.
She's been making me smile like I haven't in a very long time.  
She's groovy bay-bee...

I've been in love for so long now but it was the type of love that is unconditional..  That means that I loved Jess DESPITE our problems.  
Now, since I'll hopefully be meeting a girl WITHOUT those hangups, I'll be happy in ways that I haven't been for 3 long years.

It's confusing if I don't go into details but that's a sit-down conversation, not a blog entry.
Just know that my future relationships will be different.  In a GREAT way.

Tonight is Sushi Night at PB Bra & Grill so we (the group) are headin' up there!

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